
I left after this…with his beer.

Bear in mind, this was late 50's GM Design Staff and they swung a pretty big hammer within GM back then and hung on to that hammer for a very long time. If someone high up in the Studio’s chain of command wanted it, engineers were tasked to make it work.

You win the internet today.  Take your damn star.

Maybe if it was a decent shaped 305 powered Spyder with the original four eye front end, but the actual value on this turd is somewhere in the range of dropping the first or the last digit of the asking price.


Box of Krispy Kremes says he doesn’t even know who Gladys Kravitz is.

I think if you paid enough money and knew the right people, I think you could get an orange car with a red interior. Not confident it will be in the build matrix though. 

The post ‘75 C3's would like to have a word with you regarding bragging rights regarding “most mediocre”.

Back in the 80's, in Michigan (Detroit, Flint & Lansing), every other car had this treatment. This Canuck, who went to college in Michigan, was like....WTF?

This Colonnade era Buick fastback is so under-rated styling wise. Sweet ride.

Got a “Pimp my ride” vibe to it.


Tokyo Drift: Mommy & Daddy are too hooked up.

I was never more disappointed as kid than the time that flocking car showed up a Speederama in Toronto back in the 70's. Fuzz, WTF?

If you desired a Canadian Passport because you wanted to make a life here, that would be most understandable. However, you want to treat a coveted Canadian Citizenship document as a “transit pass”. Given that logic, the only transit you should be taking is a short bus. We couldn’t give a rat’s ass if your meemaw was

Who typically use the term “Oh Bless Your Heart” as an FU.

We became “not so nice” after your last POTUS kept shitting on us.

Alberta, aka Texas North.

Much better than Dick Trickle.