
I was just thinking of the Venture Bros. episode where the Bionic Man elopes with Sasquatch.

It was kind of like YouTube, only you had to sit through more commercials and you had no control over the playlist.

That's what The Man Inside Me said.

What kind of creep masturbates to a movie based on a children's book about a kid on an island full of monsters?

I just wish there was a way to hide the fact that I watched a
documentary called "Live Nude Girls Unite!" while my wife was out of

Fine. I'LL dust Buster.

I'd say this is some kind of trick, but a Trick is something a whore does for money.

From THAT pic? Does Winter Soldier have an unusually intense fetish for cargo pants or something?

She'll be improbably hot, but no one will realize it until she takes off her nerd glasses.

Whaddaya mean, no superheroes?

My favorite part was the silly text-only epilogue explaining that the evil UFO making all the machines murder people was shot down by a Russian military satellite. (Because even though the humans no longer had any control over soda machines or electric toothbrushes, they somehow retained control over high-tech

Oedipus Rex. He cloned himself by bonking his own mom.

At least my dad lets me wear pants instead of just a pair of green briefs.

The famous Shylock-affirming-the-humanity-of-Jews monologue from The Merchant of Venice doesn't really work well for Superman either.

@avclub-bca3531762af8a993c4f60c48fd5e33b:disqus : His real-life creators were, but the Kents were officially Methodists.

Must have been the work of those "Penguins."

The Dark Knight Rises on the Third Day

Of course they've fought. Superman is a Protestant.

If you think HE'S Thor you thoud thee the altar boyth.

"To the Popemobile!"