
"Honey, I don't SEE color. Or anything else, since the type-2 diabetes."

Disney already has a shameless "Thomas the Tank Engine" ripoff called "Chuggington."

T.M.I, dude.

I take it you won't be seeing the 2016 spin-off Tricycles then.

Don't you mean "below deck?"

The Bible may not have dinosaurs, but it does have unicorns and other freaky monsters. The Book of Revelations even has an epic battle scen with giant warring dragons. If the religious fundamentalists were smart they'd go Peter Jackson on that shit instead of making those silly Kirk Cameron movies.

I can't believe anyone was actually trying to claim credit for "The Island."

Except the creators of the original had enough decency not to fill the whole thing with ridiculous product placements. (Seriously, why would penniless clones grown for their organs in an isolated underground facility be provided with name-brand tennis shoes and bottled drinking water?)

Even better: he used the abandoned cloning facility to grow himself a new Velociraptor arm.

Would it KILL Hollywood to make an unoriginal movie with superheroes fighting dinosaurs?

The Land Before Time XXXIV: This one's not straight to video for some reason.

Who, as it happens, has more than one heart.

Don't be ridiculous. Tony Stark would be put to work building consumer electronics for Foxconn.

If I was up to something nefarious I'd wait until he went on vacation too just so I wouldn't fall prey to his razor-sharp wit.

Sorry. In fairness, "android gets his head knocked off" is a pretty common occurrence in the "Alien" franchise though.

[edit: SPOILER]

If that's what "Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles: Out of the Shadows" looks like I think I'd prefer they go back to the shadows where we don't have to look at them.

I was thinking "who but Tim Curry could possibly do justice to Dr. Frank-N-Furter?"

As a taxpayer and a pacifist, I'm a bit scared that this will inspire the military to spend a few trillion dollars on a giant mecha soldiers program.

I am appalled that they're going with the ethnically insensitive term "Bigfoot" instead of "Sasquatch," which is surely what the creature itself would prefer if it actually existed.