
He's totally getting typecast. When will someone finally give Jorge Garcia a chance to play a thin, elderly Jamaican woman?

Xenu has given this film 2 thumbs up.

Xenu has given this film 2 thumbs up.

If you're gonna submit any child to the exploitative environment of a big Hollywood production I suppose it might as well be your own.

If you're gonna submit any child to the exploitative environment of a big Hollywood production I suppose it might as well be your own.



And I always thought Vanity Smurf was the gay one. That's what I get for buying into stereotypes, I guess.

And I always thought Vanity Smurf was the gay one. That's what I get for buying into stereotypes, I guess.

Shoot, you don't even have to go beyond the title to know that the cartoon is a steaming hotbed of perversion. Let's break it down:

Shoot, you don't even have to go beyond the title to know that the cartoon is a steaming hotbed of perversion. Let's break it down:

@E.Buzz Miller: You mean when he said "The lesson that Israel must learn from the Holocaust is that it can never get security through fences, walls and guns"? That doesn't strike me as an "anti-Semetic" statement so much as a policy disagreement. 
Certainly no reasonable person could accuse Tutu of being a holocaust

@E.Buzz Miller: You mean when he said "The lesson that Israel must learn from the Holocaust is that it can never get security through fences, walls and guns"? That doesn't strike me as an "anti-Semetic" statement so much as a policy disagreement. 
Certainly no reasonable person could accuse Tutu of being a holocaust

@JFC:twitter : Not really—the differences that the ADL and the Wiesenthal Center have with Tutu stem from the same boycotts he's been urging since the 1980s. And of course, nobody likes to hear that their country's policies might have anything in common with the Apartheid government.

@JFC:twitter : Not really—the differences that the ADL and the Wiesenthal Center have with Tutu stem from the same boycotts he's been urging since the 1980s. And of course, nobody likes to hear that their country's policies might have anything in common with the Apartheid government.

Only if by "having a problem with Jews making money" you mean "has supported economic pressure to end Israel's Apartheid-like treatment of the Palestinians."

Only if by "having a problem with Jews making money" you mean "has supported economic pressure to end Israel's Apartheid-like treatment of the Palestinians."

You mean he criticizes the way that torturers do their jobs TOO? Man, that guy won't let anybody alone.

You mean he criticizes the way that torturers do their jobs TOO? Man, that guy won't let anybody alone.

I may not be the most accomplished person in the world, but at least I can take pride in the knowledge that Archbishop Desmond Tutu never personally criticized the way I do my job.