
"So what that he endured four hours of make-up? It's a sick kid. Anybody would."

"So what that he endured four hours of make-up? It's a sick kid. Anybody would."

Mad props to the makeup folks too, I suspect that was at least a day's worth of unpaid work for somebody at Spectral Motion.

Mad props to the makeup folks too, I suspect that was at least a day's worth of unpaid work for somebody at Spectral Motion.

…whose enjoyment of arcade games and junk food depends mightily on every aspect of their hip, media-savvy identity being pandered to by an anthropomorphic mouse.

…whose enjoyment of arcade games and junk food depends mightily on every aspect of their hip, media-savvy identity being pandered to by an anthropomorphic mouse.

Hollywood does this kind of thing all the time. If you listen carefully, you'll note that the musical sequences in the Mozart biopic "Amadeus" were all just cover versions of early Beach Boys songs.

Hollywood does this kind of thing all the time. If you listen carefully, you'll note that the musical sequences in the Mozart biopic "Amadeus" were all just cover versions of early Beach Boys songs.

I can only hope that at some point in my life I do something noteworthy enough to earn the explicitly expressed hatred of the Phelps clan. (I won't even honor them by using their preferred organizational name. As Jon Stewart once pointed out, that group of inbred hatemongers is no more a "Church" than Church's Chicken

I can only hope that at some point in my life I do something noteworthy enough to earn the explicitly expressed hatred of the Phelps clan. (I won't even honor them by using their preferred organizational name. As Jon Stewart once pointed out, that group of inbred hatemongers is no more a "Church" than Church's Chicken

"Pretty innocent?" Really? How would you have felt if a DJ started making crude innuendos about your mother's sex life when you were a teen?

"Pretty innocent?" Really? How would you have felt if a DJ started making crude innuendos about your mother's sex life when you were a teen?

Yeah, but at least the Christians tell you about Jesus BEFORE you join. Try finding any reference to Xenu in any of those "free personality test" flyers.

Yeah, but at least the Christians tell you about Jesus BEFORE you join. Try finding any reference to Xenu in any of those "free personality test" flyers.

One thing that sets them apart is that most religions will tell you the basic tenets of their faith BEFORE you spend years getting brainwashed and ponying up thousands of dollars in "auditing" fees.

One thing that sets them apart is that most religions will tell you the basic tenets of their faith BEFORE you spend years getting brainwashed and ponying up thousands of dollars in "auditing" fees.

I don't know who to root for here. I'm no Bieber fan but I think that as a group those "wacky" morning DJs are among the lowest forms of life plaguing our planet.

I don't know who to root for here. I'm no Bieber fan but I think that as a group those "wacky" morning DJs are among the lowest forms of life plaguing our planet.

Villain: "Eat shit and die, Fly!"
Human Fly: "Actually that's pretty much all I had planned for the next 24 hours anyway."

Villain: "Eat shit and die, Fly!"
Human Fly: "Actually that's pretty much all I had planned for the next 24 hours anyway."