
Let the punishment fit the crime. Anyone who wants "Atlas Shrugged 2" deserves to sit through "Atlas Shrugged 2."

Let the punishment fit the crime. Anyone who wants "Atlas Shrugged 2" deserves to sit through "Atlas Shrugged 2."

Actually that's not far off from Chrichton's version. They changed the Hammond character into a warm fuzzy grandpa-type for the movie, but the book version was pretty much a greedy industrialist who was going to keep Jurassic Park for rich people.

Actually that's not far off from Chrichton's version. They changed the Hammond character into a warm fuzzy grandpa-type for the movie, but the book version was pretty much a greedy industrialist who was going to keep Jurassic Park for rich people.

Apparently he can't be killed by bullets OR a Mack Truck. What is this guy, a T-800?

Apparently he can't be killed by bullets OR a Mack Truck. What is this guy, a T-800?

Top shelf booze isn't as cheap as it used to be.

Top shelf booze isn't as cheap as it used to be.

Johnny Depp, playing a character who has an obvious substance abuse problem? Sounds like quite a stretch!

Johnny Depp, playing a character who has an obvious substance abuse problem? Sounds like quite a stretch!

Radium used to be part of the team too, but they had a bit of a falling out.

Radium used to be part of the team too, but they had a bit of a falling out.

That franchise still uses writers? After "Jurassic Park 3" I assumed they just put a bunch of random actors in front of a bluescreen and asked them to do improv around the theme "scary lizards."

That franchise still uses writers? After "Jurassic Park 3" I assumed they just put a bunch of random actors in front of a bluescreen and asked them to do improv around the theme "scary lizards."

• Carolla finds fart jokes funny.

• Carolla finds fart jokes funny.

Also, they changed the protagonists into 30-something samurai lizards.

Also, they changed the protagonists into 30-something samurai lizards.

Actually I meant Condi Rice's.

Actually I meant Condi Rice's.