
He should just do a follow-up to the film which first established his credibility as a serious actor. Hello, Seven Degrees of Separation!

He should just do a follow-up to the film which first established his credibility as a serious actor. Hello, Seven Degrees of Separation!

In the original ending the main character realizes that the Zombies just wanted to get the girl he kidnapped back. The story that the film was adapted from ends with him realizing that from their point of view HE is the mass-murdering monster—that's what the title means. ("Whoops, I'M the asshole" was deemed too

In the original ending the main character realizes that the Zombies just wanted to get the girl he kidnapped back. The story that the film was adapted from ends with him realizing that from their point of view HE is the mass-murdering monster—that's what the title means. ("Whoops, I'M the asshole" was deemed too

C'mon, who wouldn't pay good money to see Remember That Guy Who Was Legend?

C'mon, who wouldn't pay good money to see Remember That Guy Who Was Legend?

There was also originally a scene in the first season showing that Eunuch guy's severed testicles, but they had to cut it because they were obviously modeled after Donald Rumsfeld's.

There was also originally a scene in the first season showing that Eunuch guy's severed testicles, but they had to cut it because they were obviously modeled after Donald Rumsfeld's.

It was nothing personal, he pretty much hated any form of entertainment that was intended to be viewed on a screen.

It was nothing personal, he pretty much hated any form of entertainment that was intended to be viewed on a screen.

Thus passes the only human being who believed that "Fahrenheit 451" wasn't about censorship. Enjoy that last celestial voyage, you lovably cranky old Luddite.

Thus passes the only human being who believed that "Fahrenheit 451" wasn't about censorship. Enjoy that last celestial voyage, you lovably cranky old Luddite.

I hear the Christians just stole the whole first half of that book from the Jews.

He has a boner for JESUS. No, wait…

As I recall the Disney version featured a monstrous Beast who ALSO treated Belle like shit. Forget about the dickish behavior that got him turned into a monster in the first place, the guy subjected his so-called love interest to kidnapping and house arrest!

Hot chicks fall for ugly guys in movies all the time. Even in real life it's not uncommon to see a rich fat/ugly/old guy paired with a supermodel-esque trophy wife. If you're going to produce yet another "beauty is more than skin deep" film, then how about a story about a good-looking guy who falls for a hideous

I thought the "semi-sentient arms" thing was a little hokey at the time but then I learned that real-life octopuses have more or less the same thing and it freaked me out.

I like to think that the George Lucas of 1977 would have dismissed the George Lucas of today as a meddling old fool.

Also, there were always a bunch of annoying cartoon characters jumping inexplicably into the frame when Luke and Obi-Wan arrived in Mos Eisley. We just never noticed them until Lucas' restoration.

Dammit, I just KNEW ending slavery was gonna be a slippery slope toward godlessness.