Brainlock can NOT FKG reply on kinja

We all know that the dissaperance was due to Martians borrowing it to ensure that nothing proving their exsistence was left on board

Yoda with a lightsaber will always look wrong to me.

I know a lot of website are blaring their doom horns, but like honestly this will bring Comic-Con back to what it used to be. Its gotten too commercial and too “big”. But this will hurt San Diego more then the con, because if less people come they lose one of their single biggest tourism draws

Oh no! Whatever will San Diego COMIC CON do? Certainly they can’t shift focus onto comics and writers/artists?

Used to go to Comic-Con every year up until about 15 years ago when Hollywood completely took over. I remember being able to walk through the halls without being jammed in a fire hazard of a crowd. Great times. 

“Scattered across the globe”

Good to know that Alpha Flight remains in Canada.

With that many prone bodies on the cover somebody’s face has got to be buried in someone else’s ass or crotch

So presumably the Orchis attack either destroys Krakoa or it takes out the gate system? Should have kept those SR-71 Blackbirds in a hangar in Westchester just in case.

What the actual fuck

At least we’ll always have Italian Spiderman.

Isn’t that “zombie Bizarro” thing just a rehash of what Snyder did in BvS with Zod?

No slight to Cudlitz, who was entertainingly menacing, but this version of Luthor seems too much like a generic crime lord with a grudge against Superman, kinda like how Bruno Mannheim might have been. The mad genius Silver-Age Lex I liked would have broken out of prison in two days using a jet pack he built out of

Pom Klementieff seems like kind of a weirdo & I am into it. She and Karen Gillan teaming up for something in non-Mantis and non-Nebula makeup would be fun and obviously sexy 

Yeah the Michael Cuddlitz as Luthor casting is definitely a different way to go & I think he is really good.

That day will come when Disney gets tired of having to work and share profits with Sony and says “how much for you to just go away?”

Shame about El Murete, I was looking forward to seeing him bit by a radioactive luchardore.

Sill waiting for that moment when Sony realizes they have nothing left to squeeze from the Spider-Man IP, and hand it over to Disney.

You gotta love how Michael Bay looked at designs like this