Brainlock can NOT FKG reply on kinja

If it brings in paying customers?  Why not. 

I lived b*tch

First movie clocked in at 2:35, will theaters stand for anything longer?

I wonder what the run time of this is going to be, because there is an awful lot to do in this part.

Except this time he likes sand.

If you replaced all instances of “Paul” with “Anakin” and “Atreides” with “Skywalker,” you would not be able to convince me those lines weren’t from the 3rd draft of the Attack of the Clones screenplay.

Don't worry, Stargirl had an extremely pointless cameo in Titans a week or two back. She's the only legacy character Geoff Johns will never sideline.

Time travel. Saves him along with Vanessa. Also murders Ryan Reynolds while he’s reading the script for Green Lantern.

He did, however:

Cliffhanger 2, really? I would have preferred a sequel to Tango & Cash

Solidarity with WGA! 

Rob Delaney will reprise his role as Peter in Deadpool 3.

Not included with the Harry Kim figure: any additional pips for his collar.

I know Kim was the eternal buttmonkey of Voyager, but did you have to rub it in by not even commenting on his figure?

You could be right. Then again, while I also think Groot is safe because he (at least his predecessor), already died once, Rocket on the other hand dying to save the team sort of goes full circle to returning the favor to Groot. So I could see that happening for that reason alone.

If the guy has a regular channel with enough viewers, that’s just a business investment. people just drop $4k on MtG cards and thats a normal thing to do in one go?

I think the reason to focus on the Pinkerton name is that it kind of underlines the lie that Wizards is telling by saying that they didn’t expect this outcome.

idk, the pinkerton name feels extremely relevant given the wizards claim that “under no circumstances would we instruct any employee or contracted agency to intimidate an individual.”

It’s almost exclusively due to how notorious the Pinkerton’s are in American history, and how generally ruthless they’ve been even recently when it comes to situations like this. It’s one of those “holy shit, y’all really DID pick the absolute WORST possible entity to help “resolve” this issue” kind of thing. That’s