Brainlock can NOT FKG reply on kinja

I had one friend who was going to SDCC from the early days. He was sad about missing a few recents due to covid, but understood the reasons. I have no idea if he planned to go this year, or why he blocked me on FB?
(but not tweeter??)

Tenoch Huerta (aka Namor) has had a domestic violence charge filed against him.

GOOD. We can put the COMIC back in Comicon!!

Nobody else sees it?

Keifer is in this? Is this a sequel to Dark City?

I’m half-expecting Laszlo to finally bite Gismo, but every time he tries, they get interrupted by something usually inane. He finally admits he “can’t get it up” for the boy as he’s Nandor’s familiar, not his.

They brought Zathras back, but not Zathras? I bet this is why Zathras is shunned in every time zone. Zathras knows.

TWO different Stargirl shows that were NOT DC’s character/Geoff Johns’ dead kid sister? (Seriously dude. Stop shoving her down everyone’s throats and let her rest in peace. It’s WAY past creepy at this point!)

They fumbled closure on a possible Legends finale/crossover. Wally turns up for two of the final five ep arc, then randomly disappears. Bart was a no show for (what feels like) two years, now, despite Nora randomly dropping in for brunch with her parents. Multiple wasted filler eps in a shortened final season.


Nah, its just a zombie storyline, minus the magic mood rings.

Yeah, 13 episodes and at least three felt like fillers, then they complain they “didn’t get to do X/Y/Z!” because of a shortened season? GTFOH!

Now I just want them to revisit the first X-Men movie with the green copper patina. Throw in the Torch sidepiece and the movie costumes.

and now I need a SPACED Lego set, like we got for Friends, Office, and Seinfeld.

I don’t remember Prime having those external shades or that cow catcher grill up front in truck mode? And I had the OG version, back in 1984. Toy and “4 issue miniseries” comics...that lasted 80 issues, not counting spinoffs.

No, Yasshhyyk is the sister world of Kasshhyyk, where all the drag shows are held and a Queen is elected.

The early 90s novels even laid the groundwork for midichlorians, with Luke and Lando searching out various potential Jedi and giving them handheld device blood tests. They were pretty much playing Xavier recruiting new X-Men, from what I remember.

Coleman Kcaj was last seen hiding out on some backwater, recruiting other possible fledgling Jedi on that planet. Some may call them mutants, but they are all Special, whether they are good or evil.

I saw the leak yesterday. I’d be looking at K(rypton)SiteTV as the source, much like the script cover for Heroes s4e1-2 that ALLEGEDLY “never” came from the writer, because he was “outside, having a smoke” at the time of the leak.

The King of Hell, Crowley.