Brainlock can NOT FKG reply on kinja


Heroes was never UNcancelled, tho.


and Futurama.

As the 2023 Writers Guild Of America kicked off,

Just like CBS did to Clarice! :’(

Johns’ obsession over his dead sister isn’t creepy. at all.

As much sand as shown in this, it still feels sterile to me.

All this “Gunn Worship” posturing is idiotic. They’ve already worked with the Russos as these characters, so why would another director be any different? pratt, Sean, and Karen (and Cooper) have done tv series with multiple directors/writers a season, so they should definitely know the score. James and pratt

I’ve been saying for a while I’d bet good money that most of the human characters are done. The CGI characters can continue, just voice recast.

That goes without saying. ;)

The only people who stay dead in comics are Bucky and is (main/616) Uncle Ben.

even RWNJs have their own dating site. With gay options.

It was my understanding that the incel community first formed as a semi-Ace/Aro commiseration site, then the a$$#oles took over, turning incel into a dirty word and disgusted with the world because mommy didn’t hug them enough and set them up with a girl.

Y’all forgot to mention the toys revealed the surprise Other Big Bad: Dark Flash....who looks like Flash just lost a fight in a burning house or something?

So remember the Kryptonian ship in the Arctic in MoS? There was an “empty pod” that a movie tie-in comic revealed was for Kara...who was rescued by the Amazons? and not movie canon until now, it seems?

Gunn said on tweeter that they shot those scenes first for character as well as technical reasons, but mostly character reasons.

Relax, he was covered in shaving cream.

Welp, now we know what she was really up to during Hawkeye?

IMO, MCU Mantis is a combination of Moondragon and Bug, and I was part of that tweeter thread last year where Gunn revealed he wanted to use Bug in all three movies, but was denied all three times because somehow Hasbro owns the license to Micronauts, including the OC Marvel comics characters of Bug, Rann, and Mari.