Brainlock can NOT FKG reply on kinja

Social Media has already decided Ncuti is stuck in the Crossroads (his actual location) thanks to Sacha-Master screwing around with 13's regeneration cycle/energy, so he’s “locked out” of his rightful place (re: comic Prof. Martin Stein style), as 10/14 causes trouble with Donna and Wilf.

Everyone has confirmed the actress in the wheelchair. Also, Beep the Meep and the Wrarth. Twitter is even trending #BeepTheMeep today!

Yeah, that theory was dismissed as soon as she was announced playing Donna’s trans daughter. Also, being black/Afro-British isn’t helping since Billie was a white girl. If anything, it was a half-memory (or Wilf’s influence) that the name Rose was important, somehow, so Donna could have helped rename her that.

No, RIVER SONG is Ms. Frizzle!

Eh, I still like my idea of leaning into the multiverse, so MBJ shows up claiming to be T’Challa. Having just buried their king, the rest of Wakanda has no idea how to deal with this “imposter”. He understands their dilemma, and sets out to prove he can be worthy of these Wakandans as he was on his Earth. Cameo by Dr.

Wait, is THAT why I have large canines?

In the British series HUMANS, that’s what caused Gemma Chan’s droid character to break her programming.

Now playing

I still think Franklin needs to be on the Teen M buck, not the Spidey, which has web-wing holes. @_@ Also, a blond alternate head.

Henry - was “offered another role” when Gunn “fired” him as Superman.


Everyone still ignoring the second half of the Gunn/Cavill announcement: Henry was offered a SECOND ROLE in the new DCU (and NOT that they’re dropping the E!)

Someone else claimed he was born in 1938, so he would be 31.

and now we need THAT Cat Stevens’ song.


Sock it to ME?!?

Winnie, the Cocaine Bear and the Infinity Pooh


Now playing

How much do the Lego stores charge you for buying separate bricks? I’m looking at some of these “tv sets” and slowly debating on creating one or two they haven’t gotten to, as yet. Catch is, one has light olive green walls, and those bricks are few in number, so I’m almost forced to hit up one store nearish me.

Drax is definitely out, after Marvel fired Gunn.