Brainlock can NOT FKG reply on kinja

In the early days of social media. some actors would post residual checks that amounted to less than the cost of the stamp the studio mailed it.

Right? Because we used to have “DCCP” aka DC Comics Presents, which was basically Superman Team-Up.

Dune2 already wrapped? Didn’t they just START like last month?? Is this just location shooting, and there’s more to film in soundstages?

Wait....his OWN MOVIE?? Not, say, as the opening scene antagonist in Spidey4?? Like, before we get the Sony Sin6? or even KRAVEN????

No, but he’s got DADDY/LEGACY ISSUES! Just like Quill, Stark, ad nauseum!

*pushes Chip Coffey in front of a St Andrews Cross. Again.*

in a row??

Now I just need Cameron on s2 of Kenobi.

Until Mona gives birth to his physical form, he’s just an invisible presence and occasional voice, from what I remember?

Apparently, this is laptops, only?

Different flavors for each. The Six Idiots have been together for YEARS and done other shows like Horrible Histories and Yonderville, while the US cast is all new to each other, afaik.

Speak for yourself!

Yup. I said years ago, when they make these announcements, they could do a little collage of headshots for people who don’t know every single IMDb entry, esp for newer or “foreign” actors.

It’s all about MERCHANDI$ING! selling kids (and a LOT of non-kids) the toys, licensing to Lego, and all that jazz.

yup. I was a ghost on here for most of the 2010s. Charlie Jane and Kim(?) assured me they could see my posts, but nary a response or star for years until the AVClub merger. I know who was behind it, too. He didn’t like being called out for sht here he was doing at his old misogynistically named site we all knew about.

Don’t forget Meta/10.2/Handy Doctor!

China also limits the amount of “foreign releases” their theatres can show, esp those from Hollywood.

Now playing

Not for nothing, but I was just introduced to this gem, today:

1. Rowan is not blonde. A plot point in the book. Mona better be GINGER!!!

I recall the first book was a lot of introductions and HEAVY history infodump for Michael, who we have yet to see even referenced in these teasers.