Brady Thomas

that actually makes perfect sense.

I cannot agree with you there. Nothing Ginj has done is on the same level as Latrice's "large marge" character, her "jesus is a biscuit" moment, her "natural woman" and "my imagination" lip syncs….even Ginj's outfits are weaker (Latrice may have had some doozies, but they were never boring). The only things I can

I think it is probably just a matter of relativity. She may not be nearly as bad as PhiPhi or Roxxxy, but because she gets the closest, and because at this point we're used to having an appointed bitch, then Ginger Minj gets the bitch label, even though she may not be worse than hitler (as one person in the

but I thought she was from Chicago :P

Oh dear that sounds like slim pickins. I mean, to be fairm the only real DC queen I can think of thats been on the show is Tatiannna

Меня зовут Екатерина Петровна Замолодчикова , но вы можете называть меня Катя .

I'm still shocked this wasn't Kennedy's third win. Not that she deserved to win this episode, but because the bitch can fucking dance:

I think why Violet won is that she actually, legitimately looked like one of the housewives (I can't remember which one, but still). As much as Katya is a national treasure, I can't recall a real housewife that looked like full on leatherface realness (though it's bound to happen soon enough)

I'm totally willing to buy that Ginger is tired….tired of playing the game….

Seriously, Katya is the only one of these queens that I feel fully has the star quality of a true drag race diva. Violet and Pearl could maybe get there, as could Max, and Ginger sometimes turns it on (I really did love her "eggs" performance), but Katya is the most consistent

I know, and it's weird because I know whenever India Ferrah's looks come up in Fashion Photo Ruview, the hosts always gush about her and it's like "really"?

There are so many different shades of camp that can be drawn upon too, is the frustrating part

My favorite was actually Pearl's.

oh my god I could eat him up with a spoon in that look

I object to the grade because any episode when Katya wins is a time for rejoicing and celebration.

I think the song could have made an awesome lip sync, given better lip syncers

Now all she needs to do is start a Russian Drag revolution

which makes it even more frustrating because she could have played up the bratty schoolgirl character for the lip sync (also, side note, i love how they tried to play up the two queens flipping each other off like they were Joslyn and Laganja doing the splits)

Low-key, Kennedy does have some of the best lines this season, between that and her explanation of her death-becomes-her look

but what horror it would have been to see Kandy try to be trashy