Brady Thomas

Yeah for how much i hated her at first I've found her tired southern bitchy ennui schtick has grown on me


Wrong. We still have our beloved Katya.

Carson's minj bit is like Jaidynn's vision bit: funny at first but then outstays its welcome

So at this point, it's clear that if Katya doesn't win, she's going to be this season's Jujubee or Alaska, which is just as worthy a fate for her. Seriously, she's always hilarious, has real character to her looks (take note, Fame), and is willing to go far for a bit. She's the best.

I mean, mine is also doctor who, but for a much less personal reason. See, I did theatre in high school, and by my senior year there was this group of kids a bit younger then me who were the kind of nerdy american girls who think that they are automatically sophisticated and cutting edge for watching dr. who and the

I mean I certainly hope Mike or Shirin win. I just fear they wont

not necessarily true. usually, yes, but if everyone arounds you sucks, then youre just clearing a low bar. i doubt any of these people would last a second in a season with better casting

I wouldn't hold my breath. Jeff loves his alpha male types, and his idea of a great season could very well differ from ours

can we please just have a season full of harmless idiots, plus like three smart people to be at each others throats the whole time?

This season frustrates me because, while occasionally you have some fun moments, the casting just failed so hard this season. Most of the people left on this island are toxic individuals, and that makes for horrible television. I'm not crazy in thinking that this is on an absurd level, right?

My god sir, that good comment is worthy of a nice hearty YAAAAAS!

somebody else in the commentariat mentioned that she should have come out as a roast chicken for the death becomes her runway.


AV Club: I've never been so relieved to hear a story of abuse and neglect.

But she's not as beloved as Jujubee (which, granted, isnt much of a read because few are as beloved as Jujubee)

I mean I definitely find Trixie the most attractive, but I also give credit to Jaidynn for being the most attractive big girl out of drag (which, come on producers, chubby chasers watch the show too. Give us a hot big guy!)

Your movie is terrible: The next single by Alaska

I fucking love Willam

or walking catchphrase machine Gia Gunn.