Brady Thomas

wait until you hear what the letter that Arya found from Sansa actually said!

Further proof that the season is building up to the reveal that the only way to kill the Night King is with Ed Sheeran singing "Shape of You" on top of a Dragon

The series got really dark after the Air Buddies started murdering drug users for Duterte

When I studied abroad in Italy my junior year, I spent a weekend in Cinque Terre, a series of 5 coastal cliffside towns in Italy, in early October. The second night I was there with my friends, we went to a restaurant in Vernazza, Ristorante Gambero Rosso, and a friend and I (the dish had to be ordered by 2 people

Sounds like he got a boner from Courtney Act and is going through the mental gymnastics to justify it

I mean, thats the risk of any "Night of 1000 ____" runways. It worked out ok for Ru, since most of the dresses were just kind of generic drag dresses anyways, and it worked for Gaga because the producers probably stepped in to make sure Kimono-gate didn't happen with Gaga being right there in front of them

I'll defend the Tyra vs Raven lip sync, just because I like the energy Tyra brought to it, but I agree that Raja vs. Manila is a snoozefest.

I do think she's a talented queen, i just think that, based on what we saw on the show itself, she wasn't as good a choice for the winner of this season.

I mean, Alexis didn;t lip sync that episode; it was just Manila vs Raja.

Haha well I guess we'll have to disagree regarding Tyra; I thought her wedding look was gorgeous, and I think that while Tyra and Raven were evenly matched in the wedding challenge, Tyra got the edge for her speech.
But yeah, Jujubee would have had a pretty good shot here, though her win wouldve been…questionable,

I think that at the time, reception wasn't great, considering that the first group of girls that we got right out of the gate were clearly outshined by the second group for those first few weeks, and that the whole storyline was pretty much forgotten about starting with "Shade: The Rusical"

Yeah, it really is a tricky balance. I do agree that having some sort of finale challenge does boost up energy and makes for compelling TV, but I'm caught between that and wanting the "right" winner even if its boring.
and thanks; im proud of that line ;)

Idk, I just don't hold much faith in her lip syncing ability. And a finale where Bianca loses is not right, and it's not ok either

It's a tricky conundrum for sure. I do think they've taken steps to make sure their first outs get more exposure lately; the split premiere in season 6 meant we got to know everyone better, 7 had tempest back for the makeover, 8 had Naysha return, and 9 delayed its first elimination. It'll just never be a perfect

Thank you for resisting that urge ;)

Manila's MacArthur Park was great, but I think Alexis could give her a run for her money. Either way, Raja is fucked unless they play a Hi Fashion song (side note; I want there to be a Hi Fashion song for a LSFYL)

fair; I think why i prefer the first challenge be design based though is that it's a lot harder to fudge; part of why the show has been leaning towards acting/comedy challenges these days is because those are easier to manipulate for storylines (ie, a scene can be edited to look better or worse than it is); for

That's actually really fair. from what I've seen of her out of drag race stuff, i think she does cool work with projection mapping and theatricality. While I still wish she couldve found a way to work more of it into the show (for example: I think Teets and Asky could have been pushed into Eric Andre show territory,

I think I just exaggerated them in my head because she wore them in 2 of her 3 ball looks (rainbow and eleganza)