Brady Thomas

I still maintain that season 3's Snatch Game was the worst. At least with season 4 you had a) contestants that were memorably, dynamically terrible, and b) great contestants to balance them out. season 3 was, for the most part, a snooze

I'd say start with 4, then 5, then 3, then 6, then 2.

Followed by 3 minutes of clucking

yeah it was pretty cringe-worthy in the way that plays up the worst tendencies of the "theatre kid" stereotype

I now try to insert the phrase "after a night of hooking…" in every situation I can now. Seriously, that was some Alyssa Edwards level shit.

for somebody I hated in the beginning, I find her growing on me as well. She was on point this week with her criticisms too.

Her moment this week with Fame really did humanize both of them in a wonderful way. It also explains a bit why Katya does the whole "freak out in every challenge" thing.


Season 3 is still the worst snatch game for me. Nobody from that top 3 would have made a dent in any other season, including this one. Honestly, and maybe this has to do with lowered expectations, but I found this to be a pretty damn good snatch game, though not even Kennedy got close to the all time gold standard,

So that was an unexpectedly good snatch game! I was really expecting them to crash and burn, but I think that even some of the safe performances were pretty nice!

it is for a bit, then i have to remember what high school was like and oh god

#teamjinkx all the way!

haha well in this case you could say that all's well that ends well #shakesqueer

mail robot or bust

S5 is actually a great season. True, Roxxxy and Coco are toxic presences, but there is so much to love about S5 still. This is a season will all stars such as Alaska, Jinkx, Alyssa, and Detox. This is a season with the hot mess that is Serena ChaCha. This is a season with the double elimination that is LEGENDARY!

i agree on that last part, actually. part of me gets the whole southern shade as a character thing (having ties to the south myself), but there are moments in untucked where she does make me cringe though. still, the other half of the time im living for her. idk, shes polarizing

I mean, obscurity is a hurdle, but it can be overcome. I mean, yeah, you have the danger of being like Nina Flowers doing La Lupe, but Jinkx and Roxxxy both did relatively obscure characters and did well

I don't get that personally. Is she bitchy in Untucked? Yes, and I do admit that her "I should stop helping girls win challenges" thing was a bit shitty, but it makes more sense now given how she carried Kennedy to safety this week. Besides, she's genuinely funny and has that quality that the camera loves

List of celebrities I want Katya to do:

I'm still desperately wanting to know what Katya is going to do