Brady Thomas

There was a guy on here a few weeks ago that went to school with both trixie and max, lets hunt him down and ask him ;p;

It reminds me of my high school theatre days, going to theatre competitions and festivals and seeing kids wearing capes and doing the accent thing as a whole "oh, aren't we so artsy and unique" schtick. and now that you mention it, I do kinda see Serena's artsy special snowflake complex in Max…

Very true. I mean, remember when Lynesha Sparks was one of the first queens to win a challenge?

if they were filming during summer, it might make a tad more sense, as it was really the summer that cemented her stardom IMHO, but I still agree

it gives me flashbacks to my high school theatre days, the accent

does this mean that max is gonna set the place on fire and then kill her overbearing mother?

but she's right! I mean, granted, support of Kenya Michaels is very questionable, but I completely agree that Max has gotten too same-y for my taste. She doesn't have to come out next week in a pink thong and a blue wig, but she needs to provide more of a variation and show more than affect


That outfit joins the pantheon of busted, along with the hot potato couture and Serena's leiderhosen nightmare

As somebody who's had to come out to parents, it can be really hard for family to shake off an image of you. I mean, I liked wearing costume dresses when i was 5 and was involved in theatre.

I do get where she is coming from though. It is possible to be true to yourself while providing variation: look at Sharon, for instance, and compare her zombie look to her canine couture, or to her golden elvis, or even her campy devil look. All were variations on a theme

except there isnt as much of the dorky sincerity that made Alyssa a star. We saw it a bit with the chicken story, but everything else has seemed too calculated

Then why didn't she? If she had done it last week, then Michelle would have been off her back

At this point, Ginger and Katya are the only queens I see breaking out from this season as true legends. Trixie could be kind of a Vi Vacious type that everyone liked and wanted to maybe see around more, but other than that, nobody really stands out as a breakout in the same way as Latrice or Alaska or Jujubee, to

Jinkx had already been in the top for the kids challenge and the dance challenge, though, and was praised for her Mimi Imfurst (but wasnt in the top because she was on the team with the trainwreck that is Serena ChaCha)

What worries me is something that violet summed up in the preview: Max doesnt want to be punk rock and edgy, at least not from what we have seen. She has this weird silent-movie/semi-vaudevillian style of performance to her, but it's not relatable in the same way Jinkx's schtick was. With queens like De La and Chad,


oh god, i really hope thats not the case

these rehearsal segments to comedy challenge are always about slash and burn. remember the rehearsal before the roast in S5?

Wasn't that basically the plot of the acting challenge in season 3?