Brady Thomas

I guess I can understand that, given that max and ginger are talented and violet can be the phi phi, but i still think katya makes it in there

See, I remember reading back on some of the old avclub recaps of PR, came across that episode, saw sharon needles, and thought it was her. i was so disappointed

Girl, that was some romper room fuckery behind that judges table. It should have been pearl and kandy ho in the bottom, first of all, and secondly, trixie had the better lip sync.

At the very least that would put an interesting spin on the glamour ball challenge

oh really? where does one hear about this?

Also, lets not forget the best quote of the night: "Oh my god, Elaine Stritch!"

I tried watching the pilot once before i got invested in the series, and due to circumstances of my being sick and drowsy, I unfortunately missed lots of it and associated it with being "meh". Thank god I decided to go back and rewatch it, though maybe me being at USC biased me to like the opening sequence with

oh lordy

Arguably Ivy Winters was saved after snatch game by her look, but thats debatable, with Detox seemingly being deployed as filler killer

…do i want to know more details?

Yeah, I almost put in a Midsummer Nights Wet Dream, but that sounded more porny, and the only queens I would want to see in a porn this season are Trixie and Pearl

oooh, now I'm curious to know more. did they both do drag back then? both in shows together? kai kai?

Is it bad that I want to see some of the alternate shakespeare plays that could have been turned into ShakesQueer? Some I would think of are probably:
Queen Fierce (King Lear)
Oh, Hell No (Othello)
Titus Androgynous (Titus Andronicus)
Simple Queen (Cymbeline)
Julia Reads Her (Julius Caesar)
and, of course, The Tempest

I'm still holding out for Katya, Trixie, Jaidynn, and Miss Kasha Davis

Side note, this is probably the most uncomfortable I've felt watching whatcha packing. Something about Jasmine and Michelle seemed like there was still mad tension for most of it

As long as you weren't Jewish and living in Seattle, because we all know that Jinx motherfucking Monsoon is Seattle's premiere narcoleptic Jewish drag queen

I'm so glad I'm not the only one who thought that was a tepid lip sync, especially after hearing Kennedy being hyped up as this amazing performer. At least Jasmine actually did something instead of just standing there like she planned.

Yeah, Minj seemed a bit weird in Untucked in particular. I still like her, but I can see why people think theres something not quite right about her

"Zod, this week your runway look was super, girl. But your performance in the challenge was your kryptonite. I'm sorry, but you are up for elimination"

Wait, you're totally right. Shit, I just wanted to make travolta jokes, not incur DIVINE wrath (as opposed to that regular old Divine wrath that you hear about at churches)