Brady Thomas

yeah the transformatio is pretty amazing

Max sold me this episode by dropping some of the artificiality (especially in untucked)

I still think that if I ever did drag and got on the show that Id try to convince them to let me do travolta (id do his hairspray look)

I was so afraid she was gonna be the quirky version of laganja, but I feel more assured now

totally, though it makes sense given that she's part of darienne lake;s house, which is all about transformation from what ive seen

"Girl, you're serving me Zod realness"

totally fair. Kasha did kick a ton of ass, and I was actually expecting her to win; Im more than ok to see Minj win though

So far my early predictions for this show have been way off. I thought Mrs. Kasha Davis was gonna be chaff to be separated from the wheat, and that Miss Fame was a definite finalist, but after this week Im not sure. Kasha has performing chops, which ups my respect for her 1000%.

yeah I was defending Masters earlier last night, but now I feel like she needs to fucking go.

hopefully this is more of a Raven situation with Katya lip syncing this early

wow, that's really fucking horrible in so many ways, from the general "all people of X group need to act like this or they are being a bad member of X group" bullshit to her sanctimonious bullshit to just everything said.

Idk if this technically counts, but how about the time Gillian Jacobs was a guest judge on "RuPaul's Drag Race"? Could apply to a lot of the guest judges, but Jacobs in particular is notoriously a superfan

I haven't been keeping up with her since the whole "shemail" scandal, what's the t with her?

Top 3 predictions: Miss Fame, Katya, and Trixie


If she can handle Patti LuPone, she can handle anything

In this production, rather than being sucked into hell, the witch is eaten by her own hair after that final note, right?

Joan Callamezzo should totally be 1) a real person, and 2) the head of Sony

It would certainly be hell if my boss happened to be Laganja Estranja.

I was told that is a perfectly normal occurance on wedding days….I guess I've been lied to