
Yeah, I'm hoping they go all out with the potential horror elements and show these actors getting maimed and murdered by each other as they all go insane.

Hmm. I will need to wait and see what changes Treyarch made to the formula. I won't write it off completely, but it will need new mechanics, a new engine, and some major amounts of customization to get me to purchase.

Try reading again. It's not a video yet. It won't be made public until this evening during the NBA playoffs. Right now it's a screenshot of a video.

People who legally rent titles, such as myself, have a huge issue with this. That is my biggest complaint. It does not make economic sense for me to purchase every single title I play, when I can rent unlimited titles from GameFly at the rate of roughly 3 titles a year.

If the online characters can be fully customize a la Rainbow Six: Vegas, and the multiplayer plays as smoothly as I hope it does, then color me super interested. I may snag this over the Summer on sale when I generally have a large gap in my multiplayer gaming needs. For now I don't get the feeling it will be worth

Publishers can already do that if they chose to, but they don't. The industry has steadily grown against all economic odds for the past decade and yet publishers claim they are in a terrible state. Terrible state? Really? Talk to the auto and banking industries for a moment and tell me videogames is really that hard

Developers and manufacturers wonder why they are seeing drops in profits and yet they continue to partake in anti-consumer practices such as potentially locking out or charging extra for a huge portion of their market. It is mind blowing how backwards and wrong this sort of thinking is. If the industry wants to

As someone studying interaction design who interviews with a lot of companies like Zynga, I completely agree with the man. Good on him for having the fortitude to do what he saw as right. The world needs more people like him and less sheep.

I have chosen not to play ME3 yet because I a have a huge backlog of great titles, despite how much I love the series. Waiting for patches and fixes like this is certainly a great byproduct of waiting, but it is not the sole reason I have not played it yet.

I tried the beta but couldn't really get into it. With limited time to game these days (yay grad school!) and a huge backlog, I'm not sure if I'll get a chance to try it again before release. Maybe I'll grab it over the summer when I am prone to need a new online shooter.

My issue is that they should stand by their writing staff as the artists that they are instead of caving to the whims of a vocal minority. It's wrong and sets a poor precedent for the future of the industry.

No, you have a right to be dissatisfied. That's half my point. But these people aren't okay with being dissatisfied so much so that they feel it is their right to be catered to every step of the way, which they are not. It is okay for things to be controversial. Apparently some people don't agree, which is a shame.

I am more excited for this and Borderlands 2 than any other FPS games in recent memory. I can't wait to get lost in their respective worlds. Sadly, the majority of gamers will rely on the inevitable CoD title or MoH sequel for their FPS kicks this holiday season while gems like this and Borderlands 2 (to a lesser

But now it is being changed. Because people like you complained. Because you're not okay with disliking something you thought you were going to like. Because you were disappointed.

No. It is not your story. End of discussion. I don't care what was marketed to you or how, you did not craft the story. It was not your job. Your job was to play and reflect upon it in whatever manner you saw fit, whether you agree/like it or not.

God damn you, gamers, and your incessant bitching. IT IS NOT YOUR RIGHT TO CHANGE SOMEONE ELSE'S STORY NO MATTER HOW MUCH YOU DISLIKE IT. If you dislike something, then dislike it. Life doesn't always go your way. Deal with it. You don't have a right to love every decision OTHER PEOPLE make.

You make a point, but you're only half correct. While gamers are a company's target audience and it is annoying the more we end up essentially becoming the QA team for more and more high profile titles, what we do often forget that Norman is making a great point of is that we are not the producers of these products.

Cool and all, but Chris created this years ago.

Not the same research. This is specifically from Chris Harrison at CMU. Although even his project is years old.

Not the same research. This was developed by Chris Harrison from CMU. He's a cool dude. He taught my programming class last semester.