
The open world insanity of SR3 is unlike any other game in the genre. It is a definite improvement over its predecessor from what has been shown. Rage is a new IP and Uncharted 3 is Uncharted with a revamped multiplayer (which I couldn't for the life of me get hooked on). I'll take definite variety and clear

I never got a chance to play the online multiplayer (thanks, online passcodes!) but the single player was worth playing through twice, which is more than I can say for most FPS games these days. I thought it was nicely paced, if a little short, but then again so are the CoD campaigns. Sure, the graphics weren't the

Hmm. Maybe I will try the PC version just to see if it actually runs smoothly on my laptop... and also try the 360 version. Thanks for the heads up.

Definite buys:

You only think it would be fitting because Nintendo has delayed including voice acting for decades. Had they grown up with the rest of the industry 15 years ago then you would have already settled into Link's voice.

I actually love the occasional foreign film. And I read plenty of books of many genres (15 down this year so far, in fact). I just went into TP expecting a sweeping narrative and engaging adventure... I got some of that, but my character was not relatable and neither was anyone else whose text boxes popped up. It

I don't see why. If I wanted to read, which I do quite often, I'd read a book. I play a game to get invested in the characters and swept up in the narrative. Walking around a sterile world without background chatter and people to interact with is boring.

I played it for 8 hours. There was never a single line of spoken dialog. I took the disk out and put it on my shelf and never touched it again. Modern games should not hold over the limitations of prior generations "just because." I couldn't fucking stand it.

A four player cooperative game where I get to run around with my buddies as four of the most badass superheroes Marvel even has? All with what appeared to be some form of RPG leveling system? Um... is THQ a bunch of idiots? I would have played the SHIT out of this game!

I am really torn as to which version to get, PC or 360. While I know the multiplayer is less players on 360 by a significant margin, I play it on a 60in HD TV with surround sound, so it'd be epic and huge to play. My laptop, however, while portable is only 15" and has ok speakers but... I mean... is that many extra

I am on campus doing a lot of work right now. I plan on taking a good number of hours this weekend and lopping off some more limbs. LOVE this game.

I would love for my gf to get into the L4D series. She loves horror movies and goes and sees all the zombie flicks I could ever reasonably ask a gf to go see. I'm taking baby steps, though. First I'll let her tackle Portal 1, then maybe snag Portal 2 to go through together (I already played the single player, mind

Well it's more that since I already own so many, if she wanted to play one she feels like she could just play mine. It's not that she feels entitled or that everything should be free, it's more that I'M the one who should pay for games... THEN she can mooch. Haha.

When the zombie brutes resort to headbutting, I giggle every time.

I told my girlfriend about playing Portal 2 and she wants to play very badly. She's not a gamer at all, so paying money for a game is silly to her. This will be PERFECT for her. Thanks!

"The PlayStation Vita is a fantastic platform for remakes and ports..."

Which bug is that? I haven't encountered anything game breaking, just things like instant turnarounds, clipping issues, etc.

You don't know that yet. Borderlands was a fresh IP that came out and surprised a lot of people with its longevity. I'd wait a few months to see if doesn't have legs.

I understand the game has issues, but the overall atmosphere and thrill of the gameplay really hits a special spot in my heart. It is extremely hard for me to put down and at this point it is the rare game where I can't wait to replay it as soon as I'm done with it. Glad to see they are setting their priorities

I never played the first game, but I remember 2 being a hell of a lot of fun. I'm looking forward to this, but I can't say it is something I am feeling the need to purchase quite yet. A rental will likely suffice until they show off some more footage and actual gameplay.