
There are going to be, like, at least a dozen or so more power options than those three, right?... RIGHT!?!

Killzone's cover system is not nearly as smooth as Goldeneye 007's. It's not even as smooth as Rainbow Six: Vegas' 3rd person cover system. I'm not sure if the original had a cover system on PS2 as I never played it, but Killzone definitely needs a rehaul of their system; it's a bit clunky. CoD just needs one,

Actually, the cover system in Killzone is nothing like this. In Killzone, you need to pull a trigger and you get half-sucked to the cover so you move laterally on the cover. It does not automatically pull you to cover when you crouch, unlike Goldeneye 007 and what they claim this system does. While it appears

Glad another FPS game is using a cover system as simple and seemingly useful as Goldeneye 007's. I can't say enough good things about this type of system. Other big name series like Killzone and CoD need to take note.

You don't think it would be awkward to tell someone, essentially, "Hey, we understand you're really good at your job and you have a prolific career with many exceptional performances... but... you're working TOO much. So... uh... stop?"

You and I have different definitions of "great graphics" then, my friend.

I'm a big GoW fan (I've played them all), but I just don't see myself replaying these titles, as good as they are, just to play them in HD. I mean, while still great games artistically, the updates are nothing compared to GoW3's visual fidelity. I was hoping they would update the games using the GoW3 engine and make

I really like the idea of having this game be portable on my new laptop. Even if it is a small update in graphical quality (or the same as my 360, really) at least it will be portable and double the player count in multiplayer.

Really? I am almost the exact opposite. I think it is stupid that robots are always designed to be so humanoid. They're robots that have specific functions, they don't need to be built exactly like humans. It's one of the things that made me loathe the Transformers films. I was hoping that in their translation to

Yeah. Each character has a wholly different set of unlockable skills, just like a classic RPG class.

If you're going to play alone, I'd suggest Roland the Soldier. With his turret out to distract enemies you can go through the whole game solo without too many major issues. I did it. Twice. And beat Crawmerax solo in the Knoxx DLC.

That's weird. When I signed up for mine a few months ago (after letting it lapse) they offered me a digital-only option. I get it sent to my inbox every month (although, for some reason, it's actually a few days BEHIND retail) instead. It's a decent digital magazine.

As far as I know that only occurs if you switch hard drives (could be systems) and re-download titles. When you download something to your 360 it saves a part of it to the specific hard drive (or system) it was on. Thereafter, if you want to play those older XBLA titles you need to remain connected so they can

Sounds more to me like they plan on implementing DLC and alternate revenue streams that allow them to continue to make money year-round on their titles, not necessarily release sequels every year.

You never play single player games then, do you? Certainly not on consoles. If so, you'd understand why requiring an internet connection to play a game you spent money on makes no sense.

Wait a minute. Blizzard doesn;t understand why gamers would expect to be able to play a single player title that they paid good money for offline? Yeah, that makes no sense whatsoever.

This looks amazing. Reminds me of UT2004, my old PC shooter of choice. I am definitely going to play a whole heck of a lot of this. Looks great, especially for a free-to-play title.

Glad I grabbed the PSP TM game a month or so a go to warm up for this. Now I'll have more time to practice, plus if I feel the need to blow up some cars I'll have that version to sate my appetite.

I am confident that MW: Reflex does not have a cover mechanic as finely tuned and intuitive as Goldeneye, which was my main point.

You clearly never played Goldeneye on Wii. That game looks and plays fantastically. Better, in fact, than most CoD games themselves. The cover mechanic is the best I have ever encountered in an FPS game on any system and should be implemented genre-wide, in my opinion. I will admit, however, the multiplayer was