
Goldeneye 007 is one of the best playing FPS games of this generation. I hope it finds a broader audience on the more shooter-friendly HD consoles. I stand by the fact that if the game had originally released on PS3 and 360 alongside the Wii version AND the multiplayer suite had been upgraded a bit to match other

At this point, nothing short of an astounding redesign of the multiplayer suite will get me to purchase MW3. MW2 killed my interest in that series' story and I can get my multiplayer fix from Battlefield 3 this season, so there is really no reason for me to consider buying it. I understand those who love it, though.

I'm falling back in love with my PSP currently after having neglected it for years. No need for another handheld in my house. Sorry, 3DS, buy you're over-priced and you make my head hurt.

I always thought that to do justice to the Riddler on screen that Chris Nolan should have taken a stab at the character with a storyline similar to that of the arch in Se7en where the final gruesome reveal is so far beyond what the audience expects that it would simply be amazing. This seems pretty close to that tone

Halo is not an M series. It is T for Teen. Reach was the first M rated Halo.

Yet another sign Nintendo released this handheld well before they should have simply to capitalize on a gimmick: even their executives acknowledge the 3D isn't all that important or even worse, feasible.

Most people would prefer it manages to have more than one. :P

I still have my Halo-themed see-thru green Xbox in my room. Loved that system. Brought me so much enjoyment.

It's not that I'm not excited, it's just it isn't on my radar quite like some of those other titles I mentioned are. It looks fantastic... I just can't muster more enthusiasm than, "I want to rent it as soon as possible." Sad, I know.

For some reason I'm not as excited for Uncharted 3 as I was for Uncharted 2. Granted, I played Uncharted 1 mere weeks before Uncharted 2 came out and I bought and played Uncharted 2 on the day of release, maybe it's just the timing. I don't know, though. It's as though I keep forgetting it is even coming out.

I bet Germany already banned it.

I'm a third of the way through Epic Yarn right now and am loving every second of it. I am enjoying it vastly more than I enjoyed New Super Mario Bros. Wii. Epic Yarn feels fresh and innovative whereas NSMBW felt like every other game in the series ever. I am definitely going to keep this on my radar, as Kirby is

I'm surprised they didn't use this as a talking point for Kevin Butler during the conference:

People realize this is essentially like zombie mode but without the zombies right? New and innovative my ass.

This is the type of Kinect experience I have been waiting for: yelling at squadmates to make them shoot unarmed civilians. Awesome.

The lack of a legitimate first party launch title announcement took away all faith I have at this point. Even Nintendo can't get shit together for their own console announcement? "We want Smash Bros. but no one is working on it yet." Uh... cool? Showing developers excited about it only goes so far. Especially

It's not branded as a Kinect title. It's branded as a title that is better with the addition of Kinect. It's subtle, but Microsoft is using it to push hardcore gamers to adopt the technology by offering enhancements to core games. See also: Future Soldier.

I've been waiting for a new Rainbow Six game since Vegas 2 came out. My roommate and I used to have so much fun playing the Terrorist Hunt missions together. Can't wait to hear more.

I've always thought it could easily be more balanced if when someone calls in an air-based killstreak, like an attack chopper, if someone on the opposing team calls in the exact same killstreak while the original is up, the two should do battle over the map and take each other out. Not only would it make the use of a

What's that supposed to mean? Just because I have a star doesn't mean I have to take my Smash Bros. overly seriously. The franchise was made to be over the top and ridiculous, hence the items. If they didn't want people to play with them, they wouldn't include them. Simple as that.