
Until I see some legitimately interesting 3rd party support, I can't be overly interested in another Nintendo console. The Wii is good at what it does, but I've outgrown Nintendo games like I outgrew most Saturday morning cartoons and kid-friendly movies.

Yesterday: Borderlands 2 (with weapon crafting and armor customization, damn it!)

1 year: Perfect Dark 2 (a real sequel)

My dad kept a Centipede arcade cabinet in our basement while I was growing up (along with Pac-Man). Damn thing was hell to keep clean (the trackball collected a TON of dust inside the machine), but damn... when it was working properly we would have epic family tournaments.

Such. Big. Boner.

I just so happened to start Braid on my PC. Got it as part of the Humble Indie Bundle over Xmas and hadn't had time to start it until last night.

Best news I heard all day. Can't wait to get my hands on this game.

I wholeheartedly agree with you. The best example I've seen was the Rainbow Six: Vegas series. Both games had you stalking enemies through hotels and casinos where you'd of course see advertisements. Looking at them casually and realizing they were for soon-to-be released movies and real-world products actually

I don't quite know how you think Brink's movement and shooting are so different. The entire movement mechanic in Brink is built around being able to jump, slide, and parkour around the environment with the use of a single button. While I haven't played it, it seems as though it is rather seamless.

Well, the art style looks spectacular. The free running gameplay looks more fluid than I expected. The dynamic classes look to provide a constant stream of things to do and ways to help your team. The blend of singleplayer and multiplayer looks to provide a great way for new players to get involved at their own

This is going to be my shooter of choice until Battlefield 3 comes out and may even steal some hours from that if it plays as good as it looks. I am so excited for this game. Reminds me I should grab a pre-order soon...

Again, I understand your point. I said already state as such.

I get your point. I even agree that, sadly, most people would think that. However, the matter in question is all part of a marketing ploy/scheme/"contest". The matter is up to a vote.

This disgusts me. I'm not speaking of Michael Vick appearing on a videogame cover, either. I'm speaking of this article and this debate.

As someone who also wears glasses, I'd be afraid of that, too. However, I'm pretty sure this is solely for using the built-in camera.

"Remove your glasses if you use them."

I sold my copy of Killzone 3 in anticipation for this game. May 17 can't come soon enough.

Well, for one the campaign was laughably short. I finished it in under 5 and a half hours. Plus, there was no replay value there whatsoever. Strike 1.

This looks really intense. As disappointed as I've been with Killzone 3, I may just trade it in and grab this instead. Looks like it could be really entertaining.

This looks really really intriguing. If they price this properly it is a day one purchase.