
Vice City was the second (and last) GTA game that I found it worthwhile to pursue the 100% rating on and boy was it fun. San Andreas was too large for its own good and the story was far too long and meandering. By the end I had forgotten certain characters even existed, let alone were pertinent to the plot. Plus,

@AdmiralCrackbar: Haha, touche. I actually do have a girlfriend. She just doesn't happen to have large breasts or be quite* as toned. I was being very specific there. ;)

I heard you could play as a female this time, but this is ridiculous. Plus, I already have one of my own*.

@Wozamil: I heard the Sega Racing title released a few months ago was surprisingly good.

@Eskobar: It was a "Wii control" version of the GameCube title, if I'm not mistaken.

@EthnicX: I know. I managed to post right in the middle of the site's comment issues. When I tried redacting my multiple posts the comments went down for the day. Sigh.

Nicely done.

Nicely done.

Nicely done.

@smcallah: I was merely commenting on the "sheltered" aspect of his point. I wasn't going to pass judgment on the guy's own judgment of his life.

@rathorial: Actually, if you've ever read anything about the guy, he actually did grow up rather sheltered. A lot of top athletes do, as they focus much of their free time on their sport and not a lot of time on outside activities. It's sort of sad, really. Until they hit the big time there's not a lot of payback

@gregdoom: Except he had much more input the last time he was in a game, because of this exact experience. And he is said to have even more with his upcoming skateboarding title, which at the very least looks looks pretty damn unique.

@Hearthole: I wish they'd make the next Smash Bros. more like Power Stone. That would be EPIC!

I just started the new Super Mario Bros. Wii today over my lunch break and was pleasantly surprised how much I enjoyed it. I was burned out from playing the original Mario Galaxy about halfway through and never felt compelled to play it again, but the more "classic" one is a real joy so far.

@Kiori Hayabusa: I see your point, but I feel it could still do the trick because it will not be what he expects as an outsider AT ALL. It manages to defy the conventions AND the stereotypes simultaneously. If the man is as thoughtful when experiencing it as he is when experiencing films, then I feel he would


@dumlaox: Last year there was a story arc where, after having the mutant population decimated in the wake of Scarlet Witch's House of M arc, the first mutant baby was born. Her name was Hope (aww) and she was given to Cable by Cyclops to jump through time and evade a number of different groups fighting over her.

The stack I keep on my entertainment console to remind me to keep playing through titles instead of getting hung up in half-assed multiplayer includes the following (in the order I intend to play them): Dead Space, R&C Crack in Time, Zelda Twilight Princess, and Brutal Legend. I also never finished 'Splosion Man or

@Ian Pape: I understand your argument, but it's a moot point (at least for me). If this were available free to all PS3 players and Live Silver members it's not like it would be the deciding factor that would stop me from signing up for PS+ (Live is the reason for that) or to get me to stop my Live subscription.