
@Ian Pape: I'm not that worried about the PS+ version, as I'll be waiting for the Live version, since I already subscribe to Live, as is. Might as well utilize some additional content while I'm on my Xbox.

@GohanEgret: Kirby specifically, no. He was created by Masahiro Sakurai, who actually created Smash Bros., too!

@TylDurden: But then you wouldn't be getting the extra content provided to you via the Playstation Plus subscription, such as free games and content.

I don't see how it's that outrageous. I currently pay $70-80 a month JUST for cable TV. $170 a year for a decent replacement service that would just so happen to ALSO be providing me with free videogames and extra content is pretty darn reasonable.

@thestoa: Damn. I should have taken advantage of that pastime.

@PunkyChipsAhoy: Seriously, much like what I fear will happen to Apple once Steve Jobs leaves, I fear for Nintendo's well being as a company once Miyamoto retires or passes away.

Give me Fringe, It's Always Sunny In Philadelphia, and The League I'll cancel my cable this instant.

6.88 GB? I thought PS3 games needed the uber power of the Blu Rays!?!

@Sakurafire: Really? Where do you keep your ability to comprehend a joke?

@Foggynotion: I think Halo missed it's opportunity to flesh out the game-universe once Halo 2 started reusing all the same enemies.

@Reavyn: More like just take a post-lunch trip to the bathroom, haha.

@manobon: Thank you. I missed that amidst all the "OMG 3D HANDHELD" coverage, haha.

@KirbyMorph: Reach will be the 5th Halo game from Bungie. I think you're forgetting ODST.

I can't wait for this device. I was walking through my local Best Buy looking at DS titles and it just made me want the 3DS even more. I'll buy it as soon as it's available, whenever that happens to be.

@VoodooBen: Well, the part I died at was the first boss battle where the controls were so atrocious I almost broke my controller in two. I took that as a general sign of poor design.

@xat: Nowhere did she say, "videogames are the sole source of violent media." She was simply stating that, correctly so, nowadays a lot more children are exposed to violence, in part, due to more graphically intense and violent games. She never said, "it's all videogames' fault."

@Ghinn: Kid Icarus, yes, but I was referring solely to consoles. Skyward Sword didn't impress me much. Then again, I've never played a Zelda title, so there's that...

@peteywell: Whether they're human or not, the Spartans certainly look like robots, which was his point.

This, the new Kirby, and Epic Mickey garnered more respect from me this past E3 than anything else Nintendo has put out in years. Thank you.