
@Nonmelodic: I agree. I heard how awesome it was from friends, so I rented it. I played for about two hours before dying and losing about an hour and a half worth of progress. I packed it up and mailed it back immediately.

I am awful at any shoot 'em ups like this, but I HAVE to play this. Looks so cool.

@bassrocker521: She's naturally a blond. Not like anyone ever notices the color of her hair, though...

@brandonf: Couple months. That's pretty common for recording artists.

@xat: That's not what she was saying should occur. At all. Try again.

I thought this game got delayed until 2011 a few months back, no? Is it reset to ship by the end of the year? If so, that'd be awesome. This game looks like a lot of fun.

This and Child of Eden were the two motion games I could actually see myself buying and really enjoying.

@thecast: Yeah, I've heard that, too, but that's only something somebody would notice if they have actually been there before. That's real neat when a lot of people have been to NYC and see places they've visited in a game. Not so much when the locale is Afghanistan and not many people have been there to recognize

@Bellamy: Completely agreed. I'm sad it got delayed until 2011, but if that means it will be a more polished experience, then I'm all for it. It likely would have been drowned out by the releases of Halo, MoH, and Black Ops anyway. (Not saying Killzone 3 and Gears 3 are shooters that won't be difficult to get an

Has it been announced whether the free titles offered (except for LBP) will be user's choice or decided by Sony each month?

@Nintendocrazed: You are correct, sir. The icon and the actual look of the character changes dynamically throughout the game as you prove yourself to either be good or evil (I think the game uses the word "pesky" or something instead of outright evil, but you get the idea).

@tralfaz23: My issue is that, after seeing both running, that I'm actually rather surprised by what Black Ops is doing graphics-wise (sorry, but the strap wrapped around the gun and swinging off of it in that video was just neat attention to detail) and I'm significantly underwhelmed by MoH (everything looks rather

@tralfaz23: I'm really torn between Black Ops and MoH. I hopped on MW2 last night to scratch my multiplayer itch and was simply underwhelmed. It wasn't nearly as thrilling as I recall it being a few months ago. I'll likely give BC2 a run tonight to see if I can get back into that, instead.

@AoE: You misread my comment. I was saying that it would be a cool iPod dock even if it weren't Tron-related, which it is. I was complimenting the design.

As part of a Christmas-time charity event two years ago, I signed up to buy action figures for a little boy. (I didn't trust any of my co-workers to do his requests justice, obviously.) He was into Transformers and all he wanted was a Bumblebee figure.

@velvet396: I used to have a projector when I was in college. That thing was awesome. I sold it to a friend to fund my TV purchase, since the projector didn't work in my apartment. Great times, though.

@Mike Fahey: Why would you ever want to do that? Wall cars! Wall cars! Future toys! Weeeeeeeeeee!