
I've never played a Ghost Recon game as I'm not much of a strategic shooter fan, but this looks pretty spectacular. I think near-future is always an interesting setting for games to explore.

You forgot to mention that the remote control cars can drive up walls.

@Wozamil: I have a 60" Mitsubishi (I'd have gone bigger but it wouldn't have fit in my apartment's elevator and DEFINITELY not up the stairwell) that I lay roughly 7 feet from. It's awesome.

@LegacyCrono: I think they'll update his move set, for sure. Maybe let Jigglypuff retain some of the moves clone from Kirby and make Kirby more unique.

Anyone else a little sad it doesn't appear he'll be able to inhale his enemies? I think it would be super cute to have him rendered more like a stitched patch and when he inhaled people they would bulge and squirm in his stomach, and then be spit out as yarn.

@fELIXADER: They use the USB ports. Was that a serious question?

@menuka: I'm a hardcore Nintendo cynic myself. And even I can't lie about the fact that Nintendo had the most surprising showing at E3.

@fELIXADER: It's a third party 360 controller. That means at least that version is wired.

@John-Hamptonshire: One previous game of a slightly related manner does not make the trend a cliche.

@—Core—: I don't consider a replay backtracking at all. However, the Knoxx DLC did, in fact, have a ton of backtracking now that I think of it.

@gurfinki: I was thinking the same thing.

@sereal: That's a different argument entirely. And for the record, I don't think the Wii went on sale at the proper time. I believe it should have had 1:1 tracking the entire time.

@Ron Goodrich: Sorry, but if one huge selling point is voice recognition and gesture-controlled menu navigation and those experiences hinge on the user standing up to do so, then it is not illogical.

@Stompy1: Then they shouldn't release it if it won't work for the majority of conventional gaming experiences yet.

Clearly, MS doesn't realize not every gamer plays a videogame like they do in Wii commercials.

@startrickpat: Really? The IGN review for it said you'll spend "at least 50 hours" playing it and could spend twice that long if you finish everything it has to offer.

I really need to open my copy of Twilight Princess and play it. I've never played a Zelda game. Always sort of scared of the time commitment, especially now that I have far fewer hours of my time to dedicate to gaming.

I thought he was speaking directly to me when he mentioned watching the keynote while at work and pretending to be working. Made me laugh.