
Does this seem as rushed to anybody else as it does to me? Sure, the AC2 engine/gameplay was improved over AC1, but not to the point where I feel a sequel would be adequate within a year's time.

@sideshowbob916: See, that makes sense (I haven't played the games in a long while). I just hope it holds up. I don't want it to turn into Halo where the guns change all the time and there's no real explanation as to why (save for Reach, which makes sense since it takes place before all the others).

I hope they explain why they suddenly come across a cache of weapons from the Pendulum Wars three games into the series. Just doesn't make sense timing-wise.

@PapaBear434: I hope so, but since it sounds like you get to attack some gold mines and steal from weapon caches, I feel they may limit the number of times you can take advantage of such spoils (assuming your reward is actually the spoils). I was thinking something along the lines of Borderlands' Knoxx DLC where you

I beat Gears 2 on Insane in co-op and I approve this message.

@Plainswalker22: Hmm. I liked Halo Wars quite a bit. Although, to be honest, I'm not very good at RTS games at all. Halo Wars was the first RTS game campaign I ever finished. Ever. And I've played quite a few.

I wonder if you can replay these co-op levels, since they're saying they're a different mode, or if it's like a story mode where once you finish them you can't replay them necessarily until you start a new game.

Is it me or is Bethesda seriously poised to destroy all other developers over the next year with all these quality titles ranging from Brink and Rage and now to this?

Maybe I'd be excited if the first game wasn't one of the most repetitive and atrociously controlling action games ever made.

@subnet6: I agree. I couldn't handle Fallout's somber tone and slow build up to fun gameplay. Borderlands nailed it out of the park from the beginning through two play throughs and multiple DLC packs.

@VincentGrey: This comment humors me seeing as Brink looks like it has a much more distinct and cartoon-ish art direction (let alone game mechanics) whereas Rage looks like Borderlands before it went cell-shaded or a brighter-hued Fallout.

@Proccor: Because four screenshots don't show any women? That's a slightly narrow view.

Between this and Brink, my FPS dollars shall be well spent this Fall.

This is one of my most anticipated games of the year.

Chains of Olympus was an amazing title. My PSP needs some new love. This shall suffice.

I suck at Starcraft and I am STILL excited to play this game.

@sugardeath: Shadowrun was in no way a 360 launch title. That much, I do know.

@Varkain: Don't laugh, that's almost exactly what the people at Infinity Ward said before releasing MW2 and that wasn't a beta. Sadly, same thing goes for Epic and Gears 2.

@vid3oman64: Yeah, I can't make it out, either.