
Personally, this is more of a win for Square Enix. Good for them being able to reach out to a new audience and sell another couple hundred thousand copies.

@Kosmokrator: Why? All that changed was the camera perspective and focus by the development team? They're essentially all the same genre.

I really want this laptop... once it sports a better processor option.

@Outi: It's actually not explained in-game. You simply don't see women on the front lines. Hell, the only three females you see (assuming all Locust are male) throughout the entire first two games are Dom's dying wife, Anya, and the Locust Queen.

@Archaotic: Oh I know that that's the case in the story. Troops with helmets are kinda like red shirts in Star Trek and I understand it's a fun little in-joke. It's still humorous to me that the characters bulk up with huge armor and yet wear no helmets (unless you count Dizzy's cowboy hat, which I totally do...

If you're dumb enough to go into an active war zone without a helmet on, you shouldn't be allowed to be chainsawed in half. You deserve to be.

@uncutlateralus: I agree. I love co-op, but my roommate and other buddies simply can't afford this game right now. I'll have to rent it and maybe play with someone random in co-op, but I'm okay with that. I don't mind a brief action-packed game from time to time.

@notnathan: Sorry, but the rocket launcher glitches and speed boosts and geography hacks do count as sloppy implementation in my eyes. Maybe it is just semantics, but I consider quality Q&A to be a cornerstone of software release. IW clearly did not perform the Q&A necessary with MW2 to allow it to be released

@notnathan: Are you that late to the game? The balancing and glitches they had to constantly patch for 2 months weren't enough for you to think, "Hmm... maybe this could have been handled a tad better?"

Gears 2's sloppy multiplayer implementation really turned me off of the series. Same goes for MW2. I was a huge fan of previous efforts titles in both series, but I can't stand being sold a broken product.

It is to be noted that when the two guys left the Medal of Honor franchise, at the time one of the best and most highly rated console FPS IPs, they started Call of Duty. In a matter of years CoD had turned around and all but wiped MoH off the map. Only now is the franchise being rebooted and taking a more modern

Although it looks like the nicest Wii gun controller I've seen... do they really expect me to go through that process every time I want to switch from a shooter to another title?

Say it with me now... "Fuck lefties."

This is a terrible value for PC and PS3 gamers. They won't get night vision goggles for their avatar OR a week of free online play added to their accounts when Infinity Ward fucks something up upon release. Suckers.

@jedidree: The downloaded titles are tied to the physical hard drive you originally download them to. If you switch HDDs and redownload them, then those titles require constant internet connection (not saying I'm a fan of this, in fact I hate it, but it only effects one or two titles I own). You do not, however,

@Komrade Kayce: Seriously. I gave up on multiplayer and played co-op and horde instead until I lost all interest. Had it not been for those modes, Gears 2 would have been a total letdown for me.

@Silent: I thought Splinter Cell came out on Xbox and PS2?