
@Silent: Yeah, but I'm not paying JUST for the ability to play online. I'm paying for all of the additional services like XBLA which has access to tons of exclusive (and relatively cheap) games along with movie and music streaming services, not to mention cross-functionality chatting and a host of other features.

@sgloux3470: But then you could argue the PC is also a DRM system that has ANOTHER DRM system. It's a slippery slope for such an argument.

For all the talk of how superior PC gaming is to console gaming, the one thing consoles have going for them is that they are always available to play offline. Consoles don't have to deal with shitty always-connected DRM.

@Rotondo: I didn't even bother purchasing the re-release, despite the fact I always said it was one of my personal "holy trinity" of last-gen games that deserved re-releases over all others and that I would fully support with my dollars (Rez and Perfect Dark being the other two).

As a huge fan of MvC2 (on Dreamcast... I didn't like that they had everything unlocked from the beginning in the recent re-release) this is awesome news.

This game looks awesome. I can't wait to play it, no matter when it comes out.

@AchromaticMagus: To note: all of your examples come from the shovelware king of systems this generation, the Wii.

@uppitycracker: Oh it was great fun. It added a bunch of vehicles and sweet weapons, including a harpoon/rail gun. My buddies and I used to toss bodies into the air and then harpoon them in midair to see who could get them to stick highest on buildings. Good times.

@Trigger_Figger: That's sad, as some of the cars were totally badass. The SUV could climb up walls, for goodness sake.

That mention of the co-op makes me think the game will handle co-op missions like in Borderlands where you can essentially be completing multiple missions on your own while your buddy's across town doing the same thing. If that is the case, then count me in for a day one purchase. My roommate and I love co-op games

@uppitycracker: I can proudly say that I never even loaded the Halo beta once. I planned on giving it a shot, but Crackdown was simply too much fun.

@OMGLX: You could play as a female in the first game?

@super_furry: You're talking about the company that released the N64 controller and the Wii nunchuk. Do you really think they're going for the most obvious choice of controls anymore?

@Fernando Jorge: I only played a demo of the first, but it was pretty cool. I rented the second one and despised it.

Sorry, but after seeing the youths of America that do hang out at malls and sporting events, I feel like most people are better off not going anywhere near those types of degenerates.

Some companies just don't get it.

The iPad gaming controller dock: because what the device sorely lacks is bezel.

@AchromaticMagus: Anybody who takes a small time (and mostly illegal) sport and turns it into a multi-million dollar industry within a matter of years is no idiot, if you ask me. So the guy's not a public speaker. So what? He obviously has a tenacity and business savvy that can't be beat in his line of business,

@tk.: That would be because mp3 players did not bill themselves as anything other than music-listening devices.

@NightMystic: No. There is no splitscreen play of any kind, nor is there any co-op of any kind.