
Steve-O... you're going to let this Aussie no body show you up like that?

I guess the thing that I don't understand the most about any of this is why the AD making public statements about a player's GF/Not GF. It's none of their damn business and coming out like that couldn't possibly do him any good.

I've dieted and do regular endurance type exercise (distance running and cycling) to burn calories. I've lost a little weight, but now can't seem to get over my plateau. What suggestions do you have for getting over that hump? I'm thinking core strength but I've never been much of a weight lifter.

Ground beef?

Its a shame his name isn't Tom Brady. Then he could throw a tantrum and not get penalized.

Tweetbot, Jasmine, Clear

Seriously, why the hell isn't this a universal app?

Good thing she's not working with Disney.... Oh wait...

Unemployment in 3...2...1...

Dislocated knee you say? Man would have never guess that.

Perhaps a handy-j from Madonna or an extended makeout session with the mirror will cheer him up.

That's all fine and dandy... but what they really need is meaningful penalties for those who abuse the claim system.

This guy always had the best toys.

I think I know their source.

Everything was hosed for me except the Apple Store iphone app which worked without any hesitation.

Beyond incredible. Those 3 shots have to be milliseconds apart.

People's Champion sounds like something from the old school WWF.

In Soviet Russia... Water computes you.

Just skip the next couple of revisions and take this thing to it's logical conclusion.

I'd be a horrid shame for Twitter to attempt to gain larger share of clients, by oh I don't know... Maybe making a better client? Naaa. Why bother when you can just kill off everyone else's access to the API.