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True... Ventura may have lost the battle... but Kentucky will win the war.

You talk about it like 30 pin or 19 pin connectors are "standards." No where in your story do you mention the possibility of a USB port. There is no reason to avoid USB outside of making money and being proprietary. Make no doubt about it, Apple has no intentions of putting a standardized port on the iPhone.... Ever.

A 4k video compressed and put on line, then streamed across the internet on a variable bit rate and played on a monitor 1/4 of that resolution. Fan-tastic!

Wonder what the morale was like after Arkansas beat them like a drum. Either way very cool thing to step up for the home school.

Beep. Beep.

I would expect nothing less from the head man at the NBA.

A few neat things I've come across...

They've apparently build a powermat into a laptop. Yay.

Perhaps they will remember to make this one HD.

Oh I don't disagree, but changing something that has been a certain way for almost 20 years now. Minds will be blown.

You obviously know nothing about Walmart. Their profit margins are ridiculously small on everything they sell. They just sell shittons of volume. They are so good at doing it that they can flex their muscles and force the products provider to sell at minimal margin as well. It's kinda what they do.

You missed the most important question... is there a traditional start button/menu anywhere? If not adoption will be weak among the non savvy. They drilled that button into people's heads for years and years and then suddenly... *poof* nothing. You think old people are lost on a computer now? Just wait.

Guessing you wouldn't see all the same warm fuzzies if they were playing the Israel national team (not that they will.) Kinda like saying Dennis Rodman was a friendly opponent to Michael Jordan... problem is to everyone else he was a gigantic dick.

Many years from now, when they are inducting Bryce to the HoF, they'll show this highlight and there will still be an ass in it.

Good grief this is as bad as Euro league soccer.

But if you post a picture of it on Facebook, you're going to jail.

Wow that article told us absolutely nothing about "how he resurrected the rapper." Well except that he paid a Hollywood graphics company to do it for him. Not details on lip syncing, no details on the movement, projection, resolution, etc. So essentially it's just some guy saying "It was Dre's idea (not everyone

Nothing a little Magic Spray and a stretcher ride to the bench won't cure.