
A Malibu, a jeep and a bunch of mediocre looking motorcycles. That is the equivalent of a golden toilet. It looks amazing, but you just end up shitting in it.

The 1st walk off homer was only the icing on the cake. In the 3 game series the Red Sox gave up 26 runs, had 2 walk off's (1st game and today's homer) and 3 blown saves (2 in today's game)

I hear that he told them how to kill their opponent and get away with it.

Makes it kinda hard to sell games... Used or otherwise without actual media. I'll be shocked if it has an optical drive.

The heaviest, deepest, most brutal part of the ocean.

Perhaps he should lock those investors in a poorly lit utility shed?

Saw this when they looked through the telescope.

Why they hell are they charging me again for this. Every other app developer under the sun would have built a universal app. The sad part is, that I like the iPhone version so much, I'll buy it anyway. *sigh*

Ignorance is bliss.

You dumbass.... It's a schooner, not a sailboat!

Don't get me wrong, I agree with you...This jackass is being counterproductive and we will all pay the price. I just happen to believe in due process, that's all.

Hey we're pretty sure you're committing a crime. Just to be sure though, we're going to take all your stuff, k?

Now playing

Just not bullet proof awesome laptop if you need something that has to be in a crappy environment or take a beating.

Now playing

Absolutely. Fully ruggedized Panasonic laptops are practically indestructible without getting medevil on its ass.

Yep completely love it. Is there a way to make this my default view on everything or is this on a post by post basis?

Several years ago, my company started buying toughbook cf-29s (the fully rugged ones) and I had a brand new one on my desk. My friend walks in and asks about them. I started explaining how it could handle a drop from a certain distance and she take it and flips the $4000+ laptop across the room. I would have paid

*drool* can't wait to see specs and price point.

So they can shatter the Internet speed record, but it still appears that they are outsourcing their video production to Taiwan.