
This seems more appropriate.

Getting busted has absolutely nothing to do with if pine tar should be legal. It has everythign to do with Pineda and by extension his coaches being complete morons. Its good for the game and safety? Fine. Change the rule and move on, but in the mean time learn to cheat like the masses who are supposedly already doing

A deal with the executive to bypass the legislature? What a radical idea.

Yeah I'm with you on that. He has no business 10 feet out of the net. Its an impressive shot and all but the goalie made it possible.

The NFL Pro Bowl was a million times better this year.. but evidently they just shifted the mentality to the NBA All Star game. What a waste of great talent.

Now playing

Still one of the most epic college games I've attended. 2003 Arkansas vs Kentucky on Halloween night. 7OTs.

REALLY surprised this isn't a much bigger story.

Maybe its just me, but it's probably not the best idea to confront a guy when not wearing a helmet anyway.

Speeding, wreckless driving, blocking traffic, stopping on the freeway, running redlights, property damage, assault and battery... Just in this video.

No way that Buc fake should have stood. Last time I checked this isn't the CFL and you can't ready be running towards the line when the ball is snapped.

Breaking News! Ump forgets to raise his arm on strike call. News at 11.

Wow that's pretty desperate of USC.

Man, that park is a real steal at only 2.5 BILLION.

I'm not shoe expert, but it doesn't look like he is even wearing high tops. If that is the case I'm not shocked to see him sprain his ankle.

When all else fails, put in the scrubs and issue some rather aggressive fouls. When the opposing coach begins to whine...and he will whine. Just shrug and claim nothing against the rules.

Nevermind.. on further review... total flop.

Meanwhile Standford #33, the guy who started the whole thing... remains in the game.

That was about the lamest, most half assed product launch I have ever seen... "Hey everybody, Diablo III on PS4. Thank you, good night."