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Just not bullet proof awesome laptop if you need something that has to be in a crappy environment or take a beating.

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Absolutely. Fully ruggedized Panasonic laptops are practically indestructible without getting medevil on its ass.

Yep completely love it. Is there a way to make this my default view on everything or is this on a post by post basis?

Several years ago, my company started buying toughbook cf-29s (the fully rugged ones) and I had a brand new one on my desk. My friend walks in and asks about them. I started explaining how it could handle a drop from a certain distance and she take it and flips the $4000+ laptop across the room. I would have paid

*drool* can't wait to see specs and price point.

So they can shatter the Internet speed record, but it still appears that they are outsourcing their video production to Taiwan.

You can trust us... We promise!

Konstantin Othmer = 16 characters. 7 Days in the week. 16+7 = ... 23! Someone get Jim Carey on this, pronto.

The most important question, but doesn't appear to be answered here... Why does opt out, not me opt out?

Somewhere... Al Franken is salivating.

so I would be irresponsible if my child had sex without asking me first? And because they make a questionable choice they should be allowed to make any questionable choice? As I said before, you don't have to agree with me, but as far as I am concerned until they are legally an adult, they are my responsibility. If

So legislate to the lowest common denominator? Because some horrible parent can't do his job properly then take that right away from all parents?

So because some sick person did something awful or because some girl goes into prostitution at 16 you're going to cut me (and all other parents)out of the responsibility for my own child? Yeah I don't think so. The world is a sick and twisted place, but legislating adult responsibilities for my children is something

"It is a shame that young kids, who are often the ones who make the least rational decisions..."

I don't disagree with you, but I still contend that either as contraceptive or as a pregnancy termination, children have no business with unfettered access. While I don't personally agree with some of its uses, it's not for me to say what other adults do with their bodies or with their children. However, as a parent I

Bingo! Nothing has changed. Adults (17 and over) still have free access to the drug. Let's start a big pissing match just because children.. yes, legally children... can't abort a life without doctor or parental permission. Sheesh.

I'm considering going with you. Engadget doesn't pull this shit.

Giz, take a hint. PLEASE quit posting on politically loaded social issues and stick to gadgets and tech. Doesn't Gawker has enough sites where this would be more appropriate? Gawker, Jez, etc? Why cram this down our throats? Do you post on Jez about the latest firmware upgrades?

Learn from HP. You can eat $485 Million or you can sell them at $100 and eat a lot less.

I'm shocked... SHOCKED! to see that Assange is capable of reading the current text news and somehow managing to turn that knowledge of news of his own. The current headline on Drudge. "Putin Unleashes Election Watchdog." Here's my quote...