
You may be right Townsend, but we want our .99 cent songs, so shut the hell up and pay the piper.

Now playing

Peter Gabriel laughs are your pathetic attempt at a stop motion music video.

When I can watch Amazon Prime Vids on my iphone and ipad... *THEN* we can talk about game over.

In other news, battery life is about 30 minutes.

Otherwise know to the NYPD as a ticketing revenue source.

I hate to break it to HP, but they only love you because you're cheap. It's kinda like saying that a Hyundai is a good car. No its not, but if they started selling them for $5,000 how many Hyundai's you think you'll see on the road?

You know why the Russians do this? Because no one has the balls to shoot them down. Drop a couple of these and it'll stop.

so you're saying that you have a right to cellular communications.... as long as you're on public property? Still a stretch.

If that is the case, go to your local meat store and have a PETA protest. Go to your local abortion clinic and have a rally in the lobby. Yeah private property is private property and your freedom of expression goes only as far as the property owner allows you to.

I don't see any rights violated here. They didn't repress anyone, they simply turned off their cell repeaters. I'm pretty sure they Constitution doesn't guarantee the right to 4 bars of coverage.

NAD to sue radio stations for lack of braille lyric printout.

Poor guy, we should just take all this burden off of his shoulders and throw him in prison. That would certainly simplify his cumbersome house arrest. I suppose this is what happens when you avoid an arrest warrant.

Overall the OS works pretty well. I'm running it on both my phone and my pad. With minimal issues. I mean after all it is a 1st beta release.

yeah unfortunately that icon you guys are referring to is for cross fade between songs. Still no shuffle and I'm super bummed about it.

are you running ios5? What you're saying was the case in 4.3, but since upgrading to 5, I don't have it anymore

You know what'd be awesome? The ability to shuffle music on my ipad. Why is this gone? Am I just missing it? I've looked everywhere.

Thank God! No more 3rd parties snooping around in my personal data and knowing my every move. I feel much more comfortable knowing that only Apple can do that.

Asked and answered.

@usedtowork: I'm not as concerned about email, but that would be nice too. I can't put the phone on silent incase something important happens and I'm needed, but at least with an email the phone dings and its over with. Notifications can have custom noises and always turn the screen on and often wake me up. I was just

This is great... but what I'd REALLY love to see is "scheduler" for notifications. Tired of being in bed and phone going off because someone commented on facebook or CNN thinks that some non-event is BREAKING NEWS! Its fine during the day, but geeze, after a certain time at night it is just a little silly.