Brad Millette

yay I helped

No, the post is saying that inflated game reviews, basically paid for "advertorial" content masquerading as previews, and a general sense that AAA production is running the overall engine of what constitutes the critical assessment of a medium is a problem in games editorial and journalism whereas people CRITIQUING

Get this man a consulting contract.

I hear they have ointments for that.

Is Darskeid on JLU a fan of the movie Scanners? I'm just not seeing the connection.

Youuuu…. youuuuuu… I like you.

Oh god these redesigns are unappealing.

I hope she's just randomly fuckin' punk rock as shit.

I had a roommate my first year of college that played that album, and that bit in particular, almost constantly, and I have such an intense, burning hatred for it.

"And you were there, and you were there, and you… I've never seen you before in my life." "You're off-model, kangaroo boy."

It's a wholly fallacious argument. Sure, you can prefer the stuff you grew up with (as most of us are oft wont to do), but we're in a friggin' golden age of family and kid-oriented animation in the US, and have been since the mid-2000s, at least. I honestly don't think the vast majority of well remembered 90s cartoons

TTG! is one of the closest heirs to classic funny gag and pacing cartoons we've got going right now.

Kinda hope someone writes an insider tell-all about Spumc0 one of these days, if they haven't already.

Honestly, I guess it could be worse. You could be any given Oatmeal comic strip come to life.



I forgot how doo-wop heavy that channel was in my youth.

Get ready for the endless reign of hideous looking Klasky Czupo designs!

That's such a horrible idea of what adulthood means. I hate your generation.

Don't forget insufferably smug and pedantic