Brad Millette

For YEARS I thought Turboteen was something I hallucinated when I had the flu as a kid.

Yeah, the great thing about this show is how they take a lot of sci-fi concepts and tropes that have been done before, and put a new, particular twist on them.

DOTA is what killed God.

This felt like the plot of a decent-to-good Futurama episode put into Rick & Morty by mistake. It wasn't bad, but it just wasn't a particularly good fit.

Shame on you, Zack, for not following up "They keep touching me in PLACES!" with great stinger "Yeah, they do get around."

Centaurtaur is the greatest thing we, as a people, will ever produce.

The obvious Marvel superhero for Channing Tatum to play is Wonder Man. Come on, an action comedy about a smarmy Hollywood actor with super strength and invulnerability?

This is a really fun game, but WOOF, a lot of the art is really, REALLY bad.

Edit: Nevermind, I just realized you're shit! Carry on.

How hard is it to just say "I said a really dumb thing, I'm sorry."?

Wow this… was kind of a rough episode for anyone with sibling issues.

We're doomed.

I feel like the people that say UP is only good for the first ten minutes don't understand themes and character arcs at all.

It's not fair.

Because it was that guy from SNL as Sandler's kid?

Rock Band 4 is also in development right now.

"RAINBOW RAIDER WANTS TO GO OUTSIDE!" "God dammit, I just let you back IN!"

Barry's lightning is yellow, Thawne's is red.

Any album with both Billy Gnosis and Chasing the Wild Goose can't be bad.

Fair enough! I'd say objectively it's their best, but I go back and forth on which album I think is my favorite.