Brad Millette

He's acted like a decent guy. He's played a decent guy. He hasn't voted like one.

Bad Religion, so far three times. First on the somewhat underwhelming New America tour, then on the 30 Year tour, and most recently at a festival tour with Stiff Little Fingers, Pennywise and The Offspring. (I am very jealous of my friend who saw the same tour, but with Vandals and Descendents).

It might be worth revisiting. It started out as very much a silly gross-out show, but it got very sharp and sly as they found their footing with it.

Fuck you. Do you understand, at all, how vulnerable and susceptible someone that's actually, legitimately willing to take their own life is? I've been there, you piece of shit, I know what it feels like. I know what the complete absence of hope feels like, the feeling of complete worthlessness, the utter disconnect of

Dude, she literally told him over the phone to get back into the car when he was having second thoughts.

I grew up with the Beach Boys as kinda background noise in my life, from some compilation album that my mom liked to play, and during the time that the Brian Wilson-less "Kokomo" was seemingly ubiquitous on the radio. So when I kept hearing how amazing Pet Sounds was later in life, I sort of just tilted my head like

This game and story is actually very DEEPLY silly and a lot more lighthearted than you'd expect. It's in line with like, the JLU cartoon in tone.

I did not know this.

Catwoman in particular made me do a double take a few times.

She's not quite as much a spotlight in the episode but "Grudge Match" is also incredible.

Harley all the way. Never thought I'd like her so much, but as someone that's never been that good at the MK style of fighting game (and never that great at fighting games, period) she's a real blast to play, and I find chaining moves into real combos to be almost second nature with her. I also like Blue Beetle. He's

You're a dumb creep.

You should, it's a really well reasoned, shockingly compassionate response from Milo on Twitter. You won't be disappointed.

We just call them "troubled loners" when they're white men.

That was post-Kong, though! Or were you still on board that increasingly rickety train at that point?

I think we all knew the wheels were starting to come off when he released a three hour King Kong movie.



This is so, so, so true. Like, any time someone learns that I can draw well, they're almost always "it must be nice to be so creative" and I just want to shake them and yell "YOU'RE PROBABLY REALLY CREATIVE BECAUSE MOST PEOPLE ARE!" Too many people equate creativity with visual or literary art, and that's the end of

That's legit maybe my favorite dumb joke in the entire series.