Brad Millette

I think it's definitely their best. I didn't think so at first, but it's a real grower, and probably their overall most cohesive album.

Suffer is great, but it's not their best. I really think that honor goes to Against the Grain, which is, to me, the perfect storm of their older hardcore sound and their newer melodic sound.

Bear in mind, I think this was RIGHT before Process came out, and they'd burned through a lot of their goodwill at that point. Process really revitalized them as a band and as a voice in the (albeit pretty anemic) punk scene.

I just re-listened, and Believe It is a pretty great song. The rest of the album is just…. I think if it weren't Bad Religion, I might like it more?

I remember that Warped tour. I didn't go, but I just remember how WEIRD it was to have that pairing, especially with BR as the opener.

Apparently their single "Hate You" was about Jay Bentley!

I'd say that and Against the Grain are the two essential sort of "bridge" albums to start with.

I dunno, aside from maybe the title track and maybe Believe It, I just can't get behind that album. It's been a while, so maybe a re-listen is in order, but the whole thing just feels off in a way that not even No Substance does.

Also, it's nice to see some affection lobbed towards Into the Unknown. It's such a weird outlier in their catalog, but I think it's a real stretch to call it an actually bad album.

Well I'll just sit on my ass all god damn day, a misanthropic anthropoid with nothing to say.

I wouldn't call it a return to form so much as it felt like New Maps and Dissent were both kind of wheel spinning albums.

No way, they've got some fantastic deep cuts, like Chimera, Don't Pray on Me, Come Join Us, and Billy.

Sage Francis nearly kills that song. Without that intrusion, that would've been one of their best songs in years.

Bad Religion is, without question, my favorite band of all time. I certainly won't say they're the best band ever, but they're far and away my favorite.

I've seen them three times, once on the New America tour, again during the 30th Anniversary/Dissent of Man tour, and a third time last year at a group show with Stiff Little Fingers, Pennywise and Offspring.

Tested though, there are some WOOF original tracks on there. The New America output era is probably the nadir of BR's career.

Eh, movies and scripts like this pay the bills.

I think a lot of the people were giving that scene in the trailer the benefit of the doubt, like maybe he stops because he realizes what he's about to do, but the way it sounds here is pretty fucking creepy and gross.

This is a kid who, on a weekly basis, devotes his life to a new lifelong, deep held, unassailable dream based on the flimsiest pretenses imaginable. How is it at all out of character?