
When you see the skeleton key in your inbox, block your console from your router and then redeem. Save/Quit and it is still there. It needs internet access to mark it as redeemed at the server.  Do that until you have dozens of codes.... but you didn’t hear that from me. (This has worked in just about every

If “BY” means “eff it, here’s your stuff”. Then it works right.

Sony: You know what will make this all go away?

Why be snarky in all of these PS5 deals posts? These are ads after all and you gain revenue from linked purchases. I would never follow one of your links with these weird “jokes” about PS5 ownership.  Returnal post: Go pay scalper prices, Nioh: Punish yourself for scalping.  

Why be snarky in all of these PS5 deals posts? These are ads after all and you gain revenue from linked purchases. I

This game had so many paywalls that it wasn’t fun at all.  I tried it for a few days and left.  WB and F2P is not a good combination. 

Not for nothing but did anyone see WHICH button he was using?

250+ hours in BL3 and have yet to play multiplayer

I will concede that she is a lesser version in 3 and was way more interesting in 2 but Tina is the best.
Alternate to slideshow

Can this guy just go away already?  I mean no Disrespect.  Literally.

Who did they do this for other than Me, Myself and I?

I followed the directions to the letter and ended up meeting my dad.

Sometimes it feels like a scratch off lottery ticket.  You have already won or lost before you even started.  Like it was predetermined and you are just going through the motions.

Yesterday worked at well for me as far as Raids are concerned. I ended up filling in my missing Legendary and none ran away.

Also, was the “Broke Free” rate like turned to 11?  It seemed like EVERY single catch I had to use 3 balls.

The shiny rate is so dumb. Free Monthly event days you can get like 10 of the featured Pokemon without mush effort. PAID events and you get 3. I am mostly a shiny chaser at this point and it drives me crazy.  It also looks like Niantic is going to end the social distancing bonuses soon so even less reason to play.

I have used my phone in the past

Unless.... * does etsy search * lol

If it was me, I would have piston my pants.

The voice over from Geppetto is... not great