
“Bullied” is a really weird word choice in this context...

Honestly I’ll probably buy it (which annoys me), but I’m on hiatus now because I don’t want to deal with it while they get in the basic stuff that should’ve been there at launch.

I appreciate their work but i really hope they’re at least working on being able to organise companion inventory at camp without needing to have them in your active party..

I think the bothersome thing is that the industry now feels almost exclusively geared toward people buying collector items for the sole purpose of reselling them at a profit, as opposed to hunting down and filling out actual collections. Not too terribly long ago, the hobby collectors and the resellers were the same

I know it’s niche and I know not everyone is impressed, but I also have to say I think the dude has blinders on as it relates to VR. I mean... a fucking LOT of people do, including this very same website, but come on. PSVR2 is fucking amazing and I’m continually annoyed by how little coverage it gets here and the

I look forward to not playing it in 2028 or whenever the hell it comes out then, I guess?

Counterpoint: Thor: Ragnarok is a top-five MCU movie and has the most perfect use of humor in the franchise.

But why would you want anyone other than Donatello?

Never been a problem for the GOP

maybe just let people voice their disappointment. Nobody is saying that these performers didn’t do a wonderful job, they just didn’t provide proper representation.

It’s a few years old at this point but Internet Historian made a pretty good video!

came to say the same thing. I don’t think they realize that a vast majority of people who buy PS hardware don’t follow everything Sony says online. You’re also spot on about how they’re selling it themselves directly. When the original PS VR came out, I remember seeing Sony setup demos in some traditional retailers on

Classic Sony hubris.

Welp, there goes any sympathy I had.

E3 seems like the embodiment of “this meeting could have been an email”

Correction. American companies are not willing to pay people enough to afford American-made goods, nor are they willing to accept the smaller profit margins. We bought American for a few centuries before everyone started outsourcing to increase profits.

Tori Yorgey

This list makes me sad. There are so many better games than these. The hobby game industry is exploding with goodness and these are not that.

This list makes me sad. There are so many better games than these. The hobby game industry is exploding with

Speaking of kneejerk reactions, pointing out that a headline may give some people the wrong impression of a story does not mean that I have that wrong impression of a story.

A small device is affixed under each player’s shirt that “pops,” making a hole in the shirt and oozing out a brownish liquid.