Bradley Johnson

You are responsible for your actions, always. Alcoholism is a disease that will wreck you, but once you have found support and sobriety, it is a choice that brings you back.

You have to rewatch that repeatedly to realize how insane that second move was. The first was great, the deke to finish great. But the move to pull through two defenders without being checked or having the puck stripped, insane.

This brings to mind Mack Brown’s speech about Texas winning the national championship (as hypocritical as this analogy is). “Don’t let this be the biggest moment of your life.”

I’m pretty sure they didn’t care how ineffective a strategy that would be in a friendly on Wambach’s last night.

This is great, but honestly what is different that hasn’t been said before? We have heard from elected representatives who have been shot, children, parents of dead children, parents of children who escaped unfathomable odds to escape to another life to be gunned down on race, to innocent people in the streets, to

This seems like a quality time to bring back the Elf Defense

I am actually surprised at how surprised I have been at the defensiveness of idiots on the Internet this week. From FSU, to the Street Harassment video, to Gamergate, and god let us not forget whatever the fuck "black privilege" is. Oh, and fuck Bill Cosby.

I'm impressed. I mean, he is an outside shot and he is trying that hard? Who doesn't want someone like that

Incompetent, purposefully ignorant, or a liar. Pick one Mr. Hoke, because there are no other options.

You can say a lot about the fan base of the White Sox, and as a Cubs fan I would be happy to do so. But when an organization can string together Frank Thomas and Paul Konerko for 25 years, you at least are doing something right.

This is reminiscent of the JP Morgan Chase "Ask the CEO" Twitter fiasco. In the attempt to gain good publicity you have essentially just fucked yourself. Again. And again. You even made Deadspin like Simmons

Speaking truth to power has consequences. The important part is that we back him after. Everything he said was what should have been said forever ago. Fuck Roger Goodell and fuck ESPN for bending to his will.

No, I see that entirely. My point is that Marshall has owned his past behaviour. To conflagrate it with this current situation seems disingenuous at best. The whole report was more about discussing his past than addressing the way he approached his future.

I completely agree that Brandon Marshall's punishments at the time were absolutely not nearly enough. And I mention so. But there is no use in punishing the person he is now for the crimes he did then.

Thank you for this. I realize BPD isn't well known publicly, so I should have stressed or at least mentioned what you said here. This is all very true. The hardest part is realizing what your brain is telling you isn't right.

I can't imagine how hard that must be. Loving someone who isn't fully in control of their thought process is terrifying. You want to shake them and just wake them up into your reality, but it isn't theirs. And that's okay. I find more reward in being the stable face to the person in my life than I can say. And it gets

I hadn't even thought of that scenario. But even if Ray Rice is sick, he is still responsible for the other side of this. Should he seek help, get treatment, and become the role model we expect out of NFL superstars, whether right of not, then we revisit who he has become.

Staying takes a love and commitment few can manage. But more than anything it takes the decision of the person afflicted to accept it and address it. That alone is an incredible battle.

I want to say this about mental illness, because I think this is important, at least to me.