Bradley Johnson
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Gonna throw this out there, because it is fantastically appropriate. Evil authority tries to burn innocent women, gets caught, and melts in front of everyone's eyes

I find Olbermann insufferable, unnecessarily belligerent, and often wrong.

Leather bound copy of "The Man Show" for the first journalist to ask him that?

It's like he is Calvin, digging for China, looks up, realizes how illogical this all is, and instead of even attempting to call for Hobbes to rescue him, he just fires up the jackhammer and keeps going.

I have a great set of monkeys I bought in Chinatown in San Francisco when I was 10 that can accurately describe this mindset:

I have been looking for the links on, but can't find them. But I know this was briefly mentioned when he first came out, or at least some of it. Especially the being homeless part and living on couches.

He also could have just flown down, and snatched the boy out of the pool with his talons, like an eagle! He definitely didn't sit down, ponder his options, and decide on the best course of action while someone drowned. What an idiot, not thinking about the consequences to himself while trying to save a life.

I'm gonna step out on a limb here, but I think the point is that you are right, it isn't about us white people. We don't get it, we never will be able to understand the lifetime of different looks from strangers, of the threats, of the missed opportunities. We can't possibly grasp all of what that entails. But you

More than anything, this is a redlining issue. The same way Chicago became the most segregated city in the world through mortgage denials to minorities through the Feds, systematic pressurization of marginal neighborhoods to force turnover favoring white influx, and never forget! The great housing project experiment.

Remember when the bamhammer existed? It's posts like these that make me wish for them, even if Moylan was too liberal with it at times. Good commentary is lost in just pure idiocy, from all sides of all aisles (but not Ailes. Fuck that guy)

I think what may get lost in all this, is whether or not Tony Stewart tried to kill Ward Jr. or not, his first action was also a potentially fatal one.

As anyone from Chicago will tell you, you don't want CPS involved. After all, they gave us Arne Duncan

Considering Qatar2022, as hosts they have an automatic bid, so they are in. Their u21 team also just got schlacked by Brazil's 7-0 and their senior team is #100. Goal differential and goals for are the first two tie-breakers in group play.

I currently have four fractured vertebrae courtesy of the polar vortex in Chicago this winter and black ice, and I could literally not get out of bed for over three weeks without having to physically roll onto a chair next to my bed. Sitting up was not an option. 5 months later and I still have absolutely brutal pain

The World Cup can be done, if you use it as an opportunity to push through infrastructure projects that might not otherwise happen, you modernize EXISTING stadiums, and you basically just dunk Sepp Blatter in a tub of acid and whistle while he burns.

As much as that penalty never should have happened, Neymar buried it. In that he hit it so hard that even though the keeper made solid contact with both hands, its momentum carried it through anyways.

Agreed. The Greek word is all back-of-mouth pronounciation, with a couple of tongue movements, like most of Greek not involving a handful of situations. Even the American pronounciation goes no farther than mid-palate. To throw a hard "ch" off your front teeth, you got no idea.

Or even better! Talk about how the networks should be a advertising that they are literally biased in-game, and sharing where to go if you are not cool with it.

These "post all the idiots' tweets" posts are cute, but seriously seriously boring. We get it. People overreact without reading/thinking/breathing. We don't need all of their hyperventilation. Or to even give it the time of day. Maybe instead talk about this triple-simulcast was actually kinda cool.