
I mean the Glimmer Twins. I mean Mick and Keef.

I would bring four lighters, man!

Butterfly knife, Baby! ;-)

Vicksburg, Mississippi fell to siege on July 4, 1863, giving the Union unimpeded control of the Mississippi and cutting the Confederacy in half.

Yep. Those are two separate, conflicting stories, and Livy favored the Romulus and Remus story because it was local, but paid lip service to the Aeneas story because of the Homeric pedigree and prestige (probably on the orders of a patron).

E, I am from, and surrounded by, WT. My immediate family and I have spent three generations of effort climbing out of that worthless, shiftless, willfully ignorant and proudly stupid mindset. I'm surrounded by them, and they disgust me, and I'm tired of being polite about it. If I have to get in faces and scream "Pull

I want them to just Julius Caesar his ass during a joint session on live television.

The Immortal who penned Cat Scratch Fever?

Go ahead, white trash. Push me until I'll bomb churches that cater to you. Terror will be met with terror. I'll slap the piss out of your children if I hear them parrot your hateful shit in my classroom. I'm ready to make your persecution fantasies real. Lock and load, bitches.

Fuck that! BTO, Grand Funk Railroad, Canned Heat and GOLDEN FUCKING EARING TO CLOSE, BABY!

He likes The Stones, but they wouldn't piss on him if he was on fire.

Only if everyone on stage were actually killed in horrible ways.

Not only is his music ass, that man is a profoundly stupid bastard.

Think more Sad Bastards Playing The State Fair.

Your boy is going to fuck the dog and be thrown under the bus by establishment Republicans. Or we'll get him when we take the House and the Senate in 2018 for being an ignorant, criminal fuck-up.

Then Hire Great White?
Too soon?
How about Jackyl With a y?

You left out the underage.

You mean the author of the Lyrical Ballad Wang, Dang, Sweet Poontang himself?

He's a member of the Skeevy People, whom the Romani want absolutely nothing to do with.

I don't think Cheney wants to be seen with these people.