
First Hipster President.

That's interesting to learn! Thank you!

I'm pretty sure that one is from Diogenes Larteus's Lives of the Philosophers. Stoics frowned on luxury and ostentatious displays of wealth, which they thought to be crass, stupid and hubristic. Figs were a much-prized luxury fruit and quite expensive, and the particular wine Chrysippus mentioned was a much-prized

"Nick Dipaolo: That Guinea You Don't Like" is a perfect special title for him. I hate that bastard.

"Comedians With Exceptionalities" is the preferred nomenclature these days.

You're a fucking fool and your boy is going to lose big.

Blimpie's made me violently ill the one time I ate it.

Burger Chef and Long John Silver's were the only national chains my home town had for years. It is also home to two active regional chains plus some good local greasy spoons that are now gone.

Burger Chef and his long-time companion Jeff can now be open and joyous about their relationship! I hear wedding bells!

Except let's not put the burgers in probably-carcinogenic Space Age plastic bags this time? Burger King is the closest current analog, but it's not the same.

Madame Gathers is a keen member of Ravelry and "Lazy, Stupid and Godless." ;-) They're wonderful people!

"I'm going to have your car towed to impound and file trespassing charges against you. Starting now." I would probably have keyed the ever- living fuck out of her Beamer while she stood there and watched.
Second offense: go to town with a twenty-pound sledgehammer on it.

Fuck "accountability" in public education, fuck standardized testing for turning what students should learn into a political football and fuck Pearson Education and all of the other profiteering, lobbying corporate parasites leeching public money for shoddily-made, developmentally-inappropriate "assessments" which are

The L.A. setting and the Private Eye angle have really given the show a breath of fresh air. I'm really digging it!

Somebody go get a rake so we can get him down off of the ceiling.

Lovely here, too. High 70s - low 80s with no humidity, which is a great improvement over that bastard of a cold snap we had the first two weeks of the month.

Madame Gathers got me some for Christmas! It's just wonderful stuff!

It is really very good indeed.

The smell of burning metal, diesel fuel and human flesh?
Thank goodness it has been quite a while.

"Hoo, boy, I've lost count of those!"