This is what the car was supposed to look like. Then people bitched and moaned about every single angle until it was completely whitewashed. But I also wouldn’t doubt if some funding dried up over the last year and the simplified version had to do with cost-cutting. I’m just glad the series is actually going to…
Ah, Sir Brownhole -- The Full Bradley! Thank you!
That there is some high quality trollin’. Just like Grammy used to make.
God the irony of a slide show of pictures that are actually words and a bunch covered by the arrows to go next/back so you cant actually read them.
1. I found them depressing because they exist. We shouldn’t need to be reminded about how American are united during the Superbowl. We should be drinking, eating hotwings and laughing our butts off at stupid commercials knowing that that’s what Americans do.
I used to be super-anal about food in the car. Even if we were to stop at a drive through to take something home it goes in the trunk. Now that I’ve sired a child I gave up that fight.
It’s hard to vote down a ~$2k car that runs and has all it’s features (mostly) working, but I’m gonna do it. By the time I finish paying off this fool’s penalties, get the car titled and registered, I’m over $3000. I have a feeling the top has more than the window wrong with it. I bet it leaks, or is at least…
And again I am proved to be an idiot because I did not realize this was the brownhole account lol. It’s time to have a drink. Everyone have a great Friday!!
Okay, crap. How the hell did I get un-grayed? I mercilessly pummel all the contributors here except for David Tracey, because they’re all socialist assholes and they deserve it.
Not to cast judgement on your personal finances, but.... don’t finance a $5k bike conventionally. I guess you could slap it on a 15-mo 0% credit card and split up the auto payments, or take a home-equity loan, personal loan, etc. But if you can’t flex 5k, maybe just save up and wait.
Rocked me like a hurricane
I’ll send one your way. I just had two leave my house now. I would recommend Wendy. She’s the tits.
That’s how I do it. And then when I get to where I’m going to offload, I go “See, told you it wasn’t going anywhere...”
He clearly didn’t follow load strapping 101:
Oh no, no, no, no, this is VERY Italian. They just rarely have the opportunity to go this far without whomever is paying the bills stopping them, or gently nudging them into a less, absurd direction.
Seriously? Italians are flashy as hell. Or, as Americans would say “Eye-tal’yans er fanceh”.