
That’s interesting I had head conflicting feedback. Others said the ride was extremely stiff and unforgiving and a particularly bad daily driver. Glad to hear that’s not necessarily the case.


That’s a good point! I certainly detest seeing the finest cars in the world being stashed away never driven only to bolster some real estate mogul’s collection. It is a fine line between the two though.

It’s true but when you’re writing the check it’s hard to justify some purchases. My dad is in that category. I’m 26 now but about 15 years ago he bought an 86 911 that he has since modified heavily (tastefully), and even with the mods has gone up in value. He never plans on selling it (thank goodness). He works hard

And what incentive does he have to adhere to that law if it’s not jail time?

What music do you listen to?

Not sure if anyone will see this with all the replies, but I also despise the people who stay in the middle lane of a three lane highway. Stay right except to pass. No exceptions.

It depends on if you have plenty of room to move over or not. If you’re going to have to go back into the left lane in a few seconds, yes stay in the left lane. If you’re going fast in the left lane when the middle or right lane are open, you have no reason to stay there.

I’ve started seeing more of these on the road and I have to say I really don’t like the way they look. To me the back end looks like a small frumpy Crosstour. Maybe that gives you more space in the back and I’m a fan of practicality but it looks like it has bad visibility.

Actually have something like this and it works well

Actually have something like this and it works well

In all fairness in the article he accepts blame. He admits that it wasn’t a shop that was trained to do this repair, but with that being said it seems like he had somewhat of a report with them and they should have done their job. Whether you’re a new mechanic or Ferrari factory tech, you should take pride in your

SO true.

Yes! It was surprising to me too. If I dumped the clutch in any way it was instant burnout but if you’re moving already and step on it, it holds and goes.

Great you’ve figured it all out. Thanks for your insight.

Normally I only see pictures of welds that are being shown (showed?) off by master welders. That weld picture was horrifying.


Have to and want to are different. Sometimes it’s just convenient to have it all wrapped up in one payment. I doubt there are highly subsidized rates being offered by Ford on this RS, but still someone who is highly savvy with his money can keep the cash in investment instead of dropping on a set of wheels and tires

I understand that but the OP was making it sound ridiculous to go with the dealer financing when you can open a new credit card to finance an aftermarket set for 0% introductory offer. I have saved money by opening a new credit card, and when picking out something as specific as the right set of wheels and tires for

If you want to take out a new credit card and lower your credit rating temporarily. Maybe for a young buyer adding a credit card and significantly lowering your average age of account right after financing a car might be a big hit.

How ridiculous is this suspension? Such a smooth landing...